Our Right to Read Campaign

By Published On: February 3, 2010

Our Right to Read campaign is officially underway! Now it’s time to spread the word about this important campaign to as many people as possible. Below is a letter you can forward to your friends, family, colleagues – anyone you know! – to help ensure that Canadians who are blind and partially sighted continue to have access to books and information in formats they can read. Feel free to send as is or tailor it for your audience. You can also use this messaging to post information on your Facebook or Twitter pages! If you have time to do more, great. Some ways you can also help:

– call your local MLA, MHA, MP
– write them a letter or email
– write a letter to your local paper
– ask your local paper to write a story on CNIB
– call your local talk radio program and ask them to do a story on the Campaign
– send this along to your friends, family and colleagues
– if you belong to a service club (i.e., Lions) ask your members to participate.


Reading is a right, not a privilege. We read to learn, work and connect to the world. Everyone has the right to read.
But if you are blind or partially sighted, that right could go missing.

Library services for blind and partially sighted Canadians are in jeopardy. For more than 90 years, CNIB has struggled to fund these services with charitable dollars. But CNIB can’t afford to go it alone any longer.

Government funding is needed now, or the consequences will be dire: isolation and an unequal playing field for Canadians who deserve better.

Help us protect their right to read. Visit www.cnib.ca/righttoread and join our campaign.

Canada is the only G8 country that does not fund a library for the blind. Yet, I pay the same taxes that are used to fund your local public library. This is not right, it is not equitable and our elected officials need to know that it is unacceptable to you as their constituents and Canadians.

Many thanks for your help. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Duncan Williams
Executive Director CNIB
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & PEI

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