Springtime For the Mythos!

By Published On: April 12, 2010

Call of Cthulhu gamers have quite a bit to cheer about this month. Here at Chaosium, we’ve been tinkering with a number of forthcoming projects, and our licensees have been working-away as well.


The Great Old Ones are cosmic evils that have existed since before time, and shall exist long after humanity has gone the way of the dinosaurs. With this agelessness at the core of H.P. Lovecraft’s works, STRANGE AEONS II illustrates the eternal struggle between man and the forces of the mythos. No roaring-twenties mobsters or modern-day secret agents will be found here, but you might spy a caveman or a spaced-out flower child or two. STRANGE AEONS II contains nine scenarios for Call of Cthulhu that run a chronological gambit from prehistoric times to a distant future. Each adventure comes with six pre-generated characters for the players to use, allowing for quick play with a minimum of fuss.


In SECRETS OF LENINGRAD from Goodman Games, the death of a brilliant artist summons the Call of Cthulhu investigators to Leningrad, setting them in pursuit of a mystery older than Russia herself. But when each secret revealed brings the investigators closer to madness, is the truth worth the price? The trail of clues takes them from the dachas of the Orkonov Estate to the Revolution Hospital and State Museum of Leningrad, and finally to the wilds of the frozen forests, where the investigators are faced with a terrifying puzzle unlike any other.


We have copies of THE GREEN now in stock. We previously had the PDF edition available, and now you can get a perfect-bound edition of this great BRP monograph.


• ARKHAM NOW — a modern-day look at the legend-haunted city at the center of the Cthuhu Mythos.
• FABULAE — story seeds for your next Cthulhu Invictus session.
• POPULOUS — non-player character statistics for Cthulhu Invictus.
• PATROCINIUM — notes on Roman Patronage for Cthulhu Invictus.
• BESTIAE — new Cthulhu Invictus creatures.

Thanks, The Guys at Chaosium

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