Chaosium Holiday Sale!

By Published On: November 26, 2010

It’s Thanksgiving time, and time for a Chaosium Holiday Sale! We know that money is tight, so here is your chance to save Big Bucks.

Starting now and lasting through next weekend we are offering a CYCLOPEAN DISCOUNT of 25% OFF on Chaosium titles and knick-knacks throughout our online catalog. It’s been some time since our last sale, and we’ve added a number of new titles and monographs since.

Speaking of new monographs, we just happen to have Lords of Tarsa on-hand and in time for the sale. It is a Basic Roleplaying fantasy setting. The year is 1092 in the Age of Itania. The King of Mirensa, villified as a killer of children, schemes to bring the Nine Kingdoms under his crown. His rivals engage magi and spies to thwart this ambition.

The Yith Cycle: The planet Yith is the home of the Great Race, a place inspiring H.P. Lovecraft and other authors to pen classic tales of travel through time and space. In “The Shadow Out of Time” (here with new, purified text) there is implicit a very different view of Homo Sapiens’ origins, derived directly from the modern mythology of the Theosophical Society. Lovecraft often mentioned Theosophy as a kind of foil and precedent for his own Mythos in his stories. This collection includes tales of Yith both famous and obscure, replete with time travel, mind-exchange, and thrilling vistas of primordial history set in context that enables new readers and long-time Lovecraftian fans alike to enjoy them.

Masks of Nyarlathotep is a roleplaying classic, a series of linked adventures forming one long and unforgettable Call of Cthulhu campaign. Horrifying deeds and dangerous sorcery dog those who dare attempt to unravel the fate of the Carlyle Expedition. The non-linear narrative keeps players baffled and on their toes. Action is the byword as the player-characters evade or combat cultists, magic, mad men, and the dread powers of the Outer Gods.

We offer this unforgettable Call of Cthulhu campaign in two bindings: the retail paperback edition or a limited-edition hardcover. The harcover features a sewn binding, cloth-covered endboards, and the title embossed on the front cover and spine in gold foil.

Have a grand time with those fowl sacrifices!
The Folks at Chaosium

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