March To Oblivion is two weeks away!!

By Published On: February 27, 2012

Time flies when you’re this busy. Our Facebook page has been seeing muchy more traffic than we ever expected so trying to keep up with both is quite a handfull.

March To Oblivion Tentative Schedule (and you KNOW there will be last minute adds)

Shadowrun – Andrew Kelly
Munchkin Demos – Heather Cato
… fIGHT fOR iNFINITY video game tournaments – Adrian Silva
Battletech (Introductory level) – Darren Drew
Formula D – Kale Harding
4th Edition D&D (LFR level 7-10) – Tony Spence
WH40K Tournament Registration – 9:30
WH40K Tournament – Round 1 10 AM
WH40K Tournament – Round 2 12:45 PM

Demon the Fallen LARP – Chris Fougere
Mutant Future – Steve McCavour
D&D 3.5 – Donna Nutter
Munchkin Demos – Heather Cato
fIGHT fOR iNFINITY video game tournaments – Adrian Silva
Heroclix Bizzaro event – Rick Hawkes
4th Edition D&D (LFR level 1-4) – Reg Moore
WH40K Tournament – Round 3 3:45 PM

Vampire the Masquerade LARP – Steve Henderson
Call of Cthulhu – “Deep Woods 2” Dana Betts
Munchkin Demos – Heather Cato
fIGHT fOR iNFINITY video game tournaments – Adrian Silva
Axis & Allies (Western Front scenario) – Ray Saulnier

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