Construaction Sale

By Published On: May 23, 2012

Over the course of the glorious month of May, little green men are tinkering with our site. We are upgrading our server and firewall, upgrading our cart software, and implementing little gadgets and gizmos. Some improvements will, and have, resulted in slight hiccups to our earnest online Chaosium service. Other improvements will result in our taking our site offline for a few hours to chant, move databases, and perform other semi-occult rituals. The result will provide you with an increase in swellness when using our site. We will let you know as improvements and changes occur.

The U.S. Post Office, for example, occasionally changes elements of their online app that allows sites to accurately receive postal rates. The effect for us is that it “breaks” our USPS module, causing hangups and general grumpiness. That module has been fixed, modified, re-registered, and fixed again, and now seems to be working well.

We also had one of the little green men, Jim, rough-up our database. He stomped on it, consolidated it, and altered a little bit of code to fix an odd problem when some customers ordered downloadable books. The system would not let them continue check-out, and kept flipping back to the shipping page. That seems to also be fixed.

We thought that we would reward our loyal and patient Chaosium customers with a 30% OFF SALE! It’s been some time since our last sale and you can now help us clear some virtual space on our cloud for new e-product.

This is store-wide but for a limited time, ending at midnight on Memorial Day (28 May 2012). The sale includes all product, e-books, knick-knacks and doo-dads on our site.† Remember, we recently lowered our prices on Chaosium pdf-books, and this sale is in addition to those improved savings!

†… and you might take a look at our Boo-Boo Book prices while you’re at it.

Our printer just gave us word on the delivery of Mythic Iceland at the end of the week. We sent a Product Notification to all customers interested specifically in Mythic Iceland, but we wanted to let everyone know so that it can be included in our sale. Orders including Mythic Iceland will ship once that book is delivered.

The Nordic and Celtic peoples who settled Iceland in the 9th century came from lands with rich traditions of folklore, where the mythical and supernatural were part of daily life. They found an island of striking beauty, with inland valleys, richly grassed and forested lowlands, massive glaciers, and impressive volcanic mountain ranges. They also found a land teeming with spirits of nature and mythic creatures.

Mythic Iceland offers Basic Roleplaying players the experience of living and adventuring in the Iceland described in the Sagas and in Icelandic fairy-tales. In Mythic Iceland all the creatures of myth and all the magical aspects of life really do exist, and they play a major role in people’s lives. The elves, or hidden folk, exist hidden from the eyes of the common folk, and sometimes meddle in their affairs. Those travelling through the highlands risk being attacked by trolls, and often curses and spells are laid on neighbors and enemies.

Thanks for your patience, The Chaosium Crew.

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