Just in time for Halloween, here are some of the latest releases from Chaosium!

By Published On: October 30, 2013

Halloween at Chaosium

A Scenario With Bite
Constable Clark, of Coldwater Falls, was desperate for attention. He’d been in touch with every sanatorium and hospital from New York to Boston and there’s not an empty bed to be found since the stock market crash last year. They’re full to brimming with suicidal businessmen and investors. He’s holding a man in his jail exhibiting some rather… extraordinary behaviors. The delusion is complete and total — he walks on all fours and he won’t speak a word. They say he even eats out of a bowl and refuses utensils! Not a shred of human behavior left in him.
The man attacked a young girl before he was discovered. He was found… well.. gnawing on part of her leg!
Canis Mysterium is an adventure scenario for the Call of Cthulhu™ roleplaying system designed to be played in one or more gaming sessions. This scenario is suitable as an introduction to a new campaign or can easily be worked into an established storyline. As written, this adventure is set in and near Arkham of October of 1930, making Chaosium’s H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham supplement particularly helpful.
Several scenario seeds are offered to keepers who wish to expand and continue the events in this adventure, perhaps giving birth to a new campaign or providing handy subplot sessions to pre-existing campaigns.

Scary Scenarios for All-Hallow’s Eve
There is a place in San Francisco where a cabal of storytellers meets to spin tales of horror and suspense.
On the second Friday of every month, as the last embers of sunlight fade over the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, the meetings are held in a private chamber of the Beaumont estate on Nob Hill, called the Red Room. The sense of ominous antiquity of long-past decadence fills the room. The walls bleed drapes of crimson velvet, and a thick sanguine marble carpet covers the wooden floor. In the corner sits an old celesta that a musician plays to spine-chilling effect. In the center in the room is an ornate candle chandelier, above a circle of majestic chairs. It is in this dark ring of seats that stories of unremitting terror pours from the lips of people who revel in its taste, and are held spellbound in its sound.
As with all things in life, the small group fades away, like the setting sun, and the room is left abandoned. Dust settles on the surfaces, the drapes become moth-eaten tatters, and the shimmering crystal chandelier dulles to a gossamer of latticed cobwebs. Now the room is but an empty shell of the old nightmares told long ago, lingering for the unwary to one day hear again…in the Red Room.
From the brilliant minds of John A. Almack, Padraic Barrett, Joseph M. Isenberg, Hugh Jesseman, Oscar Rios, Jeff Woodall, and Simon Yee come seven scenarios of horror for All-Hallow’s Eve from different times and places—from the Rhein River during the time of the Romans to the small town of Richland, Ohio.
Horror Stories From the Red Room is a collection of scenarios for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Unexpected Tales From Beyond the Grave
Undead & Unbound is a book of fiction celebrating those who have returned from the grave — in all their glory and in whatever form they take. You will find the famous blood-drinkers and flesh eaters here, but also ghosts, patched-together reanimates, fiends of myth and folklore, and some not-so-easily-identifiable creatures from beyond the grave.
Nineteen tales take the undead to their limits. From the distant past to the far-flung future, and to all corners of the Earth, the undead are eternal and everywhere.

Symbiotes, parasites, monster mash-ups and ghoulish grins, bleak tales of inescapable dread, an ancient evil from a far-away land with unspeakable dietary needs , a boy and his…well, you can bet it’s not his dog. History is brought to (un)life. Ghosts, specters, phantoms and haunts of every sort. Not-so-easily-classifiable stories that do new things with the basic premise of what’s alive, what’s dead, and what’s neither.
And yes, you lovers of all things zombie—fear-not, for your favorite flesh eaters are here but, thankfully, not exactly as you would expect them.
Undead & Unbound celebrates all things from beyond the grave, the different. No matter how old the bones, new life can always be found.

Our favorite holiday!
The Folks at Chaosium

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