And we’re off! Prize sponsors declaring prize support for IR13: Awakening the Old Ones

By Published On: August 14, 2014

Right off the bat is Arc Dream Publishing

Shelby Deluney, our other prize coordinator for Impossible Realities has brought:
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group) and
Indie Boards and Cards (makers of Resistance), Grey Fox Games and Brotherwise Games into the list of proud supporters. Thanks Shelby Deluney for organizing those.

Also on the supporters list is Khepera Publishing through and

Numbskull Games
is back again for another year of glorious support for Impossible Realities. Keep your eyes peeled. (Ed- Ewwwww.)

Osprey Publishing, your source for military history through the ages, is again supporting you our players with books games and other great swag.

Stronghold Games has donated three games: Lost Temple, Little Devils, and Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom to the Play To Win tables for you to sign out and (as the name implies) you play it, you might win it. We’d LOVE to have your feedback on every Play To Win game you play so the sponsors van hear what you think of their games!

Cheapass Games has offered support! This just keeps getting better!

Rogue Games contacted me today and said YES to player support. Check them out.

Blue Panther has donated dice trays and dice towers for you to unleash your dice into.

Adventure-a-Week likes you guys and is sending support too!

More donations to Play To Win: Zombies Keep Out and Heap from Privateer Press!

Red Raven Games has offered 8 Minute Empire as a demo game and as a prize!

Avalon Games has sent even MORE prize support for the game players of Impossible Realities!

El Presidente!! Fire ze nukes! Flying Buffalo Games is supplying prize support for the Nuclear War Tournament on Sunday. SLING NUKES!!! SLING NUKES!!!

Happy Bishop Games is offering PDF certs for their products as prizes, so look for them!

Iron Wind Metals is offering heavy metal for the minis players. 🙂

Chaotic Shiny Production is offering goodies too! This is AWESOME!!!

Pinnacle Entertainment Group has DELIVERED so look up their prizes at Impossible Realities 13: Awakening the Old Ones.

Please make sure you visit our list of proud sponsors as this list continues to grow over the weeks toward the main event September 5-7 here in Saint John, NB.

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