Have a Great Holiday!

By Published On: December 16, 2014


Everyone here at Chaosium wishes you and yours a fabulous Christmas and New Year’s. We deeply appreciate your support. — Charlie, Greg, Sandy, Meghan, Dustin, Nick, Mike, Ken, Bill, and various curious others.
We are now shipping a number of items that we wanted to update you about.

Shipping for Christmas
We are shipping Horror on the Orient Express. We have been sending backer copies for a couple of weeks, and have gotten some great reviews.
As it turns out in the final tally, our Kickstarter backers secured their copies of this massive 1100+ page campaign for Call of Cthulhu at half-price; we offered it to our backers during the Kickstarter campaign for $60 — and our final retail price is $119.95. Little did we know then that the end result would be so massive. Neither did the authors, who took quite a bit longer than anticipated to write the various additions, scenarios, and the integration of the Investigator Survival guide. Of paticular note, care was taken with the Keeper guidance and instructions. If the investigators miss early clues, there are suggestions on appropriate times for them to get them later on. Likewise there is extended help to get the campaign “back on track” should inventive investigators head in unexpected directions during play.

Now is your chance to order this legendary campaign in time for Christmas.

Accessories for Orient Express
During the creation of this product we also had made a number of Orient Express accessories including the Orient Express Tote, the Coffee Mug, Luggage Tag, Notepad, Bumper Sticker, Pencils, Telegram Pad, and more. We separated these items into a HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS category on our site, and placed the CALL OF CTHULHU 7th Edition product in its own category as well.

Madness on the Orient Express
We also are shipping Madness on the Orient Express, the book of fiction in which each author uses the Orient Express in some way in the story. Some of the finest authors today are featured, including Dennis Detwiller, Geoff Gillan, Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Cody Goodfellow, Darrell Schweitzer, and Penelope Love; introduced and edited by James Lowder.

Innsmouth Gold
We just got great news from our friends at Campaign Coins—we should receive the Innsmouth Gold coins on Wednesday! This is unexpected considering the recent note we sent out, but weird are the ways of the Mythos. Thus, all orders for Innsmouth Gold will ship this week.

Shipping Alert
If you live in the U.S. and are interested in getting any of these items in time for Christmas using ground shipping, we urge you to order as soon as possible.
– The Chaosium Folks

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