March To Oblivion 2015 Tentatives

By Published On: February 13, 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 9:00am – 11:00PM at Kent Theatre, Saint John, NB
A full Day of Gaming for $10
Parking lot accessible from Peters St

The time has come again for another great day of gaming with Impossible Realities!

As always, if you would like to run a game please let Steve Henderson or Dana Betts know.

Games will run from 9:00AM until 10:30PM and the cost for the event remains at $10 for the day!

Little Devils – Stronghold Games
Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom – Stronghold Kurt’s Games​Pastiche – Gryphon Games
Dungeon! – Private donation to IR
Triassic Terror – Eagle Games
Other titles to be announced

(One lucky winner from those who signed out the above games WILL TAKE IT HOME!)

Schedule so far:
9:00AM –
Magic Booster Draft ($10) – Brian Smart​
Pathfinder Society – DM Tony Spence​
D&D Adventurers League – Patrick Smith​
8 player Carcassonne – Dana Betts

10:00AM –
13th Age RPG – Chris Fougere​
Battletech – Darren Drew​
Starfarers of Catan – Sue Henneberry
D&D 5E – Joshua Lapointe​
Decent Quest 1 2-5 players – Emmerson LokiCat Rankine

D&D – Donna Nutter​
All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG – Dana Betts
Pathfinder Society – DM David Glassford​
Pathfinder Society – DM Terrance McCallum

Least I Could Do – Michel Allain​
Dicemasters – Patrick Whitaker/Justin Price (Introduction, no experience or supplies needed)

Anime Bingo – Megan JM​

4:00PM –
Firefly Board Game – Chris Fougere.

6:30PM –
Call of Cthulhu (Redux)- Dana Betts
D&D Adventurers League – Steve Henderson.
Vampire the Masquerade LARP – Michael Berthiaume​
D&D 3.5 – Jason Andrew McCullough​
Pathfinder Society – DM Andrew Roberts
Run, Fight or Die – Emmerson LokiCat Rankine​

Vendors (tentative)
Heroes’ Beacon
K and M Comics, Games and Hobbies (Saturday)
Megan Munn, Mistreena’s Mystic Creations
Creations by Kadi – Kadi Oram
Dragonspire Clayworks – Amber Tina Vautour
Cosplay Chef – Vera Cobb
Cthulhu and Stuff – Sue Henneberry​
Nikki-Lee Dyckow
Knot So Nerdy Designs – Julie Ralston Henderson​

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