By Published On: September 10, 2015

This September Impossible Realities returns for another great weekend of gaming! Join us in a new location!

Contact Steve Henderson or Dana Betts to be added to the schedule!

When: Sept 11-13
Doors Open Friday Sept 11 at 6:00PM

Cost $20 for the weekend or $10 for each individual day.

Confirmed sponsors:
Bully Pulpit Games
Brotherwise Games
Dreamscape Design
Heroes’ Beacon
Lame Mage Productions
Monolith Graphics
Prince of Darkness Games
Red Raven Games
Rite Publishing
Rio Grande Games
Sand and Steam Productions
Ye Olde Gaming Companye

Games can be scheduled:
Friday between 6:00PM – 11:00PM
Saturday between 9:00AM – 11:00PM
Sunday between 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Gaming Schedule (to be updated as game masters commit to times) will include:
Magic The Gathering – Booster Draft
Dungeons & Dragons
Call of Cthulhu
Board Games
Play To Win games
Geek Out
Live Action Roleplaying

Play To Win Games
Boss Monster w/Expansion – Brotherwise Games
Boss Monster 2: The Next Level – Brotherwise Games
Automobile: Wheels to Wealth – Donation
Pamplona – Donation
Ilium – Donation
Alhambra – Donation

*** Social Deduction Room***
This game room will be dedicated all weekend to Coup, Resistance, Ultimate Werewolf and One Night Ultimate Werewolf. These games require you you sniff out (see what I did there?) who amongst you are the bad guys. More info to follow…

Friday –
7:00 PM
Call of Cthulhu (Beginers) – Corey Despres
Zombie Dice – Nikki-Lee Dyckow
Learn to Play SFB – Lj LeBlanc Open for anyone that wants to learn to play – Cadets ships
Vampire the Masquerade
Battletech – Darren Drew
The Necropolis of Nuromen – Ray Saulnier
This adventure takes place in the depths of the primal Delvingwood. The characters will set out from the tiny town of Camlann Castle, a lonely outpost of the Realm on the ancient road known as the Elfway. The characters have been drawn to the area by rumours of Nuromen the Necromancer and his vast treasure hoard, lost since the fall of his domain of Law’s End.
System: BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules
Style: Old school basic D&D dungeon crawl
Limit: 2-8 players of any skill level
“Time to Split the Party” panel – Joe Hatfield

Saturday –
9:00AM –
D&D 2nd Edition (Part 1, 6 players) – Ron Carlin
The Old One, Pt 1: A job gone bad
“An easy job, we were told. What could go wrong? Find a dead body who cried tears of gold, get rich quick! We should have known, the protents were there for all to see; it rained stones. Statues bled. For 9 evenings running, 10 vultures circled the high temple, then on the 10th day they killed and ate the sacred eagle. Astrologers refused readings, fearing for their lives,,,,but that happens every year. Still, we should have been better prepared. But who could have been prepared for the horrors we found??”

Firestorm Armada and Halo Fleet Battles (all day on Saturday) – Ryan Sullivan
D&D Adventurers League (5th edition) – Steve Henderson

10:00 AM
Zombie Dice – Nikki-Lee Dyckow
Starfarers of Catan – Sue Henneberry

D&D 4th Edition (7 Players) – Vanessa A. Klohn
Dead of Winter (5 Players) – Chris Fougere
Learn to Play SFB – Lj LeBlanc Open for anyone that wants to learn to play – Tournament ships

1:30PM –
Fiasco – Pamela MacNeish
X-Wing – Andrew Lawton
Dragon Age RPG – Corey Despres
Pathfinder Society – David Glassford
Boss Monster tournament – Andrew Potter
Descent – Joshua Fry
“The Serpent Amphora” Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game – Donna Nutter (6 players)
“World Building for RPGs” seminar – Dana Betts

Firefly (5 Players) – Chris Fougere.
Sat 2pm SFB – Lj LeBlanc Tournament ships game Pre-sign-up not needed but would be appreciated.
Magic The Gathering Booster Draft – Gregory Grondin
Least I Could Do. – Michel Allain

4:00PM – D&D 2nd Edition (Part 2 Continues from morning, 6 players) – Ron Carlin
The Old One, pt 2: Into the belly of the beast
“The Old Ones want back in to our reality, and they are tired of waiting. Guess who gets stuck with the job of stopping ’em?”
Pastiche – Sue Henneberry

6:00 PM –
Call of Cthulhu “Edge of the Abyss” – Dana Betts
Vampire the Masquerade

Sunday –
Carcassonne – Dana Betts (up to 8 players)
Descent – Emmerson LokiCat Rankine

11 AM
Battletech – Darren Drew

1:00 PM
SFB – Lj LeBlanc Non tournament(regular ships) game. This will require pre sign-ups so we know how many players and what races want to be played and a scenario will be created. Sept 7 is cut off date for sign-up.

1:30PM –
Fiasco – Pamela MacNeish
“Nine of Hearts” D&D 3.5 – Donna Nutter

and much more!

Vendors will be welcomed back as usual.

Knot So Nerdy Designs – Julie Ralston Henderson
Dragonspire Clayworks – Amber Mason.
Creations by Kadi – Kadi Oram
Sue’s Crochet Crafts – Sue Henneberry
Nikki-Lee Dyckow
Groovy Anarchy – Ryan Gilbert & Jessy Stuart
Steeped Tea with Alicia – Amber Leighton
Blind Leviathan – Grace and Erin
Paintings by Kelly – Kelly Lawton
Angela’s Creations – Angela Wilson
AR Productions – Alicia Robichaud
Nerdities – Amanda Evans

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