Mid-November Update

By Published On: November 17, 2015

Printing has Commenced!
Presses rolling for Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed

Last Friday, Chaosium President Rick Meints was delighted to inform our Call of Cthulhu Kickstarter backers that the presses have now started rolling!

Printing has commenced on the internal pages, with printing of the covers to start next week.

The printing process will take at least 6 weeks. Shipping from Hong Kong to our fulfillment centers in the US, Europe, and Australia begins immediately thereafter. We’re looking at setting up links to “follow the shipping containers as they sail across the ocean” as other Kickstarters have done.

Meanwhile, we haven’t forgotten about the other stretch goal rewards, curiosity shoppe add-ons, and their status – Rick will be sending further updates to the Kickstarter backers soon.

And – because we know our backers love to see progress in photos more than words – courtesy of the printers, here are some more mock-ups we shared including a demo Keeper Screen and the Slipcase:

Supporting Prince of Sartar on Patreon…
the artist’s pitch


It’s been just over a week since the Patreon launch for the Prince of Sartar web comic and support has grown to just over $400 per month. Another few hundred dollars and Prince of Sartar becomes “fully backed”, when we will send out PDFs of the GenCon version of the book to everyone who backs the campaign!

The creative team behind Prince of Sartar, Jeff Richard and Kalin Kadiev, are highly gratified by the enthusiastic support so far. Here’s what Prince of Sartar artist Kalin says about why you too should consider backing their epic tale of gods, empires, war, ambition, magic, and mysticism, set in Greg Stafford’s World of Glorantha:
“We’re looking for people who enjoy the comic for support – not only to continue making it, but also so we can start making more of it – with enough support we could start releasing the comic at a faster pace than 4 pages per month.
“There are also going to be, of course, additional benefits for those who help out:
“People who donate $5 will get access to early sketches for the pages, along with Jeff’s art direction and writing.
“Those who donate $10 will also get access to character concept art as it’s being developed. (Ever wonder why Harrek or Argrath or Jar-eel look the way they look? Well here you can find out!). Plus, once we finish Book 1 of the comic, if you’re at this pledge level you will get a free PDF of it. Why get a pdf of a comic you can already read online? Well, read on….
“People who donate $25 will get the printed comic for free, and along with that Jeff and I will do regular G+ hangouts where you can watch me draw stuff and ask us questions about the comic, about the setting or just kind of chat about Glorantha, if that’s your thing.
“Now then, here are the big pledges: $48, $49 and $50! What do you get for that much money? Well, first off you get the printed book, of course, and it will be signed by both me and Jeff. Additionally, the printed book is going to have quite a few black and white pages in it, telling stories that have not had the chance to appear in the main comic. The only way to get to these extra stories? Buy the book, or pledge your support in one of these three tiers, which will also get you access to them as soon as they are done!
“Still not enough? Okay, how about this – each of the three top tiers have 10 slots, and each of those 30 people will get a drawing of a character, done by me, personally mailed to you.”

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