A super crazy busy summer start

By Published On: July 8, 2016

Hey everyone!

It’s been a super crazy busy summer start already. Ultra long vacation weekend with Canada Day (July 1) through US Independence Day (July 4) and an anniversary. Getting everything all brought up to speed for September’s Main Gaming Event> Galleries are now all up to date, company prize / Play to Win list is growing longer, GM’s lining games up for the schedule, vendors starting to confirm tables… I love it. Stay tuned and watch the schedule page and our live Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Impossible-Realities-Gaming-Convention-642100512563645/ for info as it happens.

FIFTEEN YEARS with multiple events every year. That’s a lot of work, time and effort to keep doing this every year, and it’s always worth it. The last day of every con we do, everyone asks ” I can’t wait for the next one” so we’re doing something right. Impossible Realities has also seen many of our players grow from teens then off to college/university… we’ve been around each other for so long!

See you soon, and enjoy your summer.

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