NEW GAME OFFERING! IR#23: New Horizons, Sept 7-8, 2024 @ Offline Board Game Cafe
IR#23: New Horizons, Sept 7-8, 2024
@ Offline Board Game Cafe
Board Game Blitz
GM: Steve Henderson
As the title says, play lots and lots of Board Games and get points and try to come out victorious! Loosely follows the rules via the web link below, but modified slightly. For example, instead of 8 hours, we only do 4.
1. Game Rules. Rules for each game will be straight out of the box. No variations or house rules will be used unless otherwise noted. The tournament organizer will have final say over any rules questions or disputes posed by the players.
2. Learning Games. We do not expect players to be familiar with every game in the game list but knowing them does provide a strategic advantage. If needed, the rules for each game will be explained before starting, and any rules questions during the game will be answered.
3. Time Limits. Players are expected to take their turns in a timely fashion, planning their actions on opponent’s turns where possible. After the allotted time has passed and all but one game is remaining, that game will have 10 min to wrap up, even if not completed.
4. Start Player. The players will follow the rules in the game for choosing the start player. If there is no method stated, use two six-sided dice with the high roller going first.
5. Game Selection. With the exception of the first and second rounds, the player with the highest cumulative points in the tournament will choose a game to play from the list of games available. The player with the second highest points, and all following players, will be able to join the game(s) already selected or choose a different game from the game list. Once enough games are selected to satisfy the number of participants in the tournament, all other players must join one of those games, even if not all games are played in each round. For the first round when no points have been awarded, the order will be decided by a random draw. For the second round, the games selected will be done in backward order of those chosen in the first round. Every subsequent round, players will be ordered by cumulative points earned, which ties broken randomly.
6. Accumulating Points. Points are earned for each game played in the tournament based on the players finishing rank in the game. The winner, in 1st place at the end of the game, receives the most points, with players in 2nd and 3rd place receiving fewer points and every player receiving the minimum points based on the distribution below. Where players are tied, tie-breakers included for the game will be used to determine rank. If a tie remains, players will evenly split the points available for the ranks in question.
1 hour games: 1st = 5 points 2nd = 4 points 3rd = 2 points 4th+ = 1 pt
1.5 hour games: 1st = 7.5 points 2nd = 6 points 3rd = 3 points 4th+ = 1.5 pts
2 hour games: 1st = 10 points 2nd = 8 points 3rd = 4 points 4th+ = 2 pts
7. Finishing Games. Players must finish games that have begun unless all players and the organizer agree that it does not affect the outcome of the game for the other players. Players are not required to play in every round but will not receive points for rounds not participated in or games they forfeit.
8. Winner. The winner is the player with the most cumulative points at the end of all rounds. If there is a tie for number of points, the winner will be determined by a short strategic game played between the tied players. Depending on the number of participants, prizes may be given to 2nd and 3rd place as well. If there is a tie for 2nd or 3rd place, the tiebreaker is the number of games where players placed 1st in rank, then the player with the higher rank in games the tied players played against each other.
Space for 16 players. All Ages (Sunday 9:00AM)
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