IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual/Online Convention)
Call out for GMs/DMs/Keepers and Cosplayers for IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual/Online Convention). The tentative dates for this will be Sept. 11th (6-10pm) and Sept. 12th (9am-10pm). Submit link below (everyone who offers a session will get free admission):…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events All audio/video communication will be handled through our IR Discord Server. This is 100% mandatory as we will be administering the con through Discord. For the virtual tabletop, feel free to use whatever you want (Fantasy Grounds, GMeet, Rolld20, Steam, etc). Invite for Discord server below: Thank you for taking the time to help your local/global community out during these times. We are currently brainstorming ideas for signup incentives, con swag, vendor support, and cosplay ideas...stay tuned for more news. -IR Staff