IR #19: Brace for Impact Virtual Con

IR #19: Brace for Impact Virtual Con is building entries for online gaming. We have had entries from Saint John, Fredericton, and now our first out-of-province offerings from the D&D AL crowd. Follow link below to checkout our current offerings:…/impossible-realities-19…/schedule… And do not forget to join our Discord server for this event: And DMs/GMs/Keepers/Cosplay get FREE admission for 1, 4 hour event or seminar:…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events

By |2020-05-16T00:39:09-04:00May 16, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact Virtual Con

Even MORE news on IR#19: Brace for Impact (Virtual Con)

First added PERK for EVERY door badge purchase for IR#19: Brace for Impact. With the purchase of each door badge, 1 coupon can be added for 10% one item at Heroes' Beacon (some restrictions may apply) between Sept. 12th, 2020 and December. 31st, 2020. Add it to your badge purchase, before cart checkout.

By |2020-05-16T00:37:17-04:00May 16, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Even MORE news on IR#19: Brace for Impact (Virtual Con)

IR# 19: Brace for Impact Update

Door Badge sales are now enabled for IR# 19: Brace for Impact (limited quantity per tier). Event ticket sales for the 3 tiers will be opened July. 1st, July, 2nd, and July. 3rd. The 3 different tiers each provide a different quantity of raffle tickets for prize lots that will be drawn over the 2 day convention September. 11th to September. 12th. Top Tier @ $15 CAD, gives 5 raffle entries with Early Access July. 1st. Mid Tier @ $10 CAD, gives 3 raffle entries with Early Access July. 2nd. Floor Tier @ $5 CAD, gives 1 raffle entries with Early Access July. 3rd. Aside: Folks who offer a minimum 4-hour event will get free admission and 3 raffle entries for thanks for taking your time to run for Impossible Realities and provide fun to the global community!

By |2020-05-16T00:32:26-04:00May 16, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR# 19: Brace for Impact Update

IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual/Online Convention)

Call out for GMs/DMs/Keepers and Cosplayers for IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual/Online Convention). The tentative dates for this will be Sept. 11th (6-10pm) and Sept. 12th (9am-10pm). Submit link below (everyone who offers a session will get free admission):…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events All audio/video communication will be handled through our IR Discord Server. This is 100% mandatory as we will be administering the con through Discord. For the virtual tabletop, feel free to use whatever you want (Fantasy Grounds, GMeet, Rolld20, Steam, etc). Invite for Discord server below: Thank you for taking the time to help your local/global community out during these times. We are currently brainstorming ideas for signup incentives, con swag, vendor support, and cosplay ideas...stay tuned for more news. -IR Staff

By |2020-05-16T00:31:25-04:00May 16, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual/Online Convention)

March To Oblivion 2020 March Update (Last one!)

This is March to Oblivion 2020 one day gaming and cosplay convention, with gaming, cosplay, vendors and panels! We're open to one and all for fun, games, Play-to-Win and strange occurrences! $10/day. Online registration and tickets Game Information (updates shortly) March To Oblivion 2020 Play To Win Titles Halekala – Offline Boardgame Café Captains of Industry – Offline Boardgame Café 3 Wishes – Offline Boardgame Café Thieves! – Offline Boardgame Café Isle of Trains – Offline Boardgame Café Kill The Unicorns – Heroes Beacon Welcome to Your Perfect Home - Strange Adventures Killer Bunnies – Geb Bernard Lovecraft Letter – Geb Bernard Dungeon Mayhem – Geb Bernard Boss Monster: Rise of the Mini Bosses – Brotherwise Games Chomp – Dana Betts Kill Doctor Lucky – Cheapass Games Deadwood Studios USA – Cheapass Games Button Men – Cheapass Games Stuff and Nonsense – Cheapass Games Falling – Cheapass Games Give Me The Brain – Cheapass Games Before I Kill You Mr Spy… – Cheapass [...]

By |2020-01-12T01:02:42-04:00January 12, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March To Oblivion 2020 March Update (Last one!)

Cutthroat Silent Auction at IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace

Our AMAZING friend and sponsor, Offline Board Game Cafe will be hosting THREE Cutthroat Silent Auctions at Impossible Realities #18: Transiting to RealSpace! Saturday 10AM-4PM and 5PM-10PM Sunday 10AM-4PM There will also be some retail games to sell from the Cafe as well as raffle tickets. As a sweet bonus, whoever shows up with their paid IR bracelet at the Cafe on 98 Prince William Street, plays for FREE Saturday and Sunday. Maybe catch a sweet breakfast, lunch or supper at the same time! Find them online on facebook at

By |2019-09-04T17:13:17-04:00September 4, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cutthroat Silent Auction at IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace

Come get your DANCE ON! Cos-ality Dance Party at IR#18: Transiting to Realspace!!

Only at Impossible Realities! Saturday night at 7pm, come get your cosplay groove on with all your friendly cosplayers. We have door prizes, giveaways and great music. Full cosplay not necessary. Must have a day or weekend pass for entry. Event is 13+. Cos-ality Dance Party!! Register online at the link below.

By |2019-08-23T01:21:46-04:00August 23, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Come get your DANCE ON! Cos-ality Dance Party at IR#18: Transiting to Realspace!!

IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace August Big Pages Update

Impossible Realities #18: Transiting to RealSpace is happening Sept 6-8, 2019 in Saint John NB, Canada. Check us out on Facebook at under Events, and on Twitter @IR_SaintJohn. Register for games online at $20 for a whole weekend pass to gaming, cosplay, play to win games, vendors, panels and more!

By |2019-08-19T00:42:25-04:00August 19, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace August Big Pages Update

In between registered games?

In between registered games? If you're in the main hall and playing Play-To-Win games or doing a pick up game from our Mosh Pit open games library, please pick up one of our PLAYERS WANTED signs to post on your table to let people know that you'd like more players! If you don't know how to play, ask one of our wonderful staff and they'll be happy to show you the rules. This is what Impossible Realities is about: meet new players, make new friends and try new games.

By |2019-08-19T00:29:03-04:00August 19, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on In between registered games?
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