More IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace news!

The Saint John Board Game Design Guild will be in the main hall showing off their ideas at IR#18. Take a look at what they are up to and maybe join their group if you have something you've been working on. You can find them on Facebook at

By |2019-08-19T00:27:48-04:00August 19, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on More IR#18: Transiting to RealSpace news!

Canada at Midnight’s, House Of Dark Tidings, LARP Club at IR#18 Transiting to RealSpace

Once again Canada at Midnight's, House Of Dark Tidings, LARP Club, will be hosting: Vampire the Masquerade - TWO NIGHT EVENT! Friday & Saturday! 7pm-11pm! Vampire the Masquerade Moncton has fallen to the monstrous Unblinded Brotherhood. Now the different Sects of Vampires of New Brunswick must set aside their differences to fight this arisen enemy. For if they are not stopped, their forces will sweep the province, and leave blood and death in their wake. ** New Players WELCOME! ** Cross Venue - ALL SECTS WELCOME! Story Tellers- Vanessa Klohn, Mick MacNiel & Chris Wilson Contact info - Age- 18+

By |2019-08-07T20:46:35-04:00August 7, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Canada at Midnight’s, House Of Dark Tidings, LARP Club at IR#18 Transiting to RealSpace


David Glassford is the first member of the new "Monster GM Club"! He has signed up to run 12 hours worth of events. With this he has received FREE admission to Impossible Realities #18: Transiting to RealSpace. This new offering is applicable to anyone who submits 12 hours worth of events! You'll be recognized as a Monster GM and receive FREE admission for IR #18 as a thank you for your time and dedication.…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events

By |2019-07-16T02:08:29-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on News! News! NNEEWWSSSS!!! MONSTER GM AWARDS!!!!

IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace: Recent Additions:

POKEMON! 8 Player Tournament by Chas Goguen. D&D Adventure League by Patrick Smith World Building Panel by Dana Betts Play to Win Board Game Selections Pulp Cthulhu by Ryan Finn To be added: 2 - Vampire The Masquerade LARP Events Cosplay Scheduling Check full schedule here:

By |2019-07-16T02:05:31-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace: Recent Additions:

IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace GM CALL!!!

Submissions for GM/DM/LM/Cosplay/LARP events will close on Aug. 23rd. Events submitted online before this date will be eligible for the chance to win GM/DM/LM/Cosplay/LARP SWAG! SUBMIT ONLINE SOON:…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events Also get your Door Badges and preregister for up to 29 submitted events that include POKEMON tournament, Board Game Blitz, D&D 5ed homebrew and organised play, Pathfinder Society, Call of Cthulhu, Gaming Panels, Magic: The Gathering, 18 Player MegaCivilization, and MORE!

By |2019-07-16T02:04:13-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace GM CALL!!!

Weekly IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace Offering Showcase: Panels

Basic Improv for the Tabletop Gamer Saturday 9AM Panel Head: Andrew Daigle Interactive lecture on how to use improv to enhance your tabletop experience. For players and game masters of tabletop role-playing game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD BUILDING THROUGH IMAGERY Saturday 7PM Panel Head: Dana Betts Veteran RPG host Dana Betts has used images to enhance many roleplaying session, especially Call of Cthulhu. Immersion and letting the players SEE the storyteller’s vision makes for more interaction and plot building. Over the many years of running adventures for Call of Cthulhu, Traveller and D&D, researching the vision and images used for an adventure also allows the GM to invent plotlines, scenes and worlds that the players can visually immerse themselves into far more than just a map on paper and sets the tone for memorable sessions. This presentation is for GM’s that want to up their RPG and build bigger scenes and worlds for their RPG’s with good searching hints and story building.…/impossible-realities-…/schedule/18…/impossible-realities-…/schedule/27

By |2019-07-16T02:02:53-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace Offering Showcase: Panels

Weekly IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace Offering Showcase: Pathfinder

Pathfinder Society Offerings Multiple Sections GM: Various GMs Just added to the events schedule, 3 Pathfinder Society Offerings. Various low level (1-5), mid-range (3-7) and high level (5-9). These usually go fast in pre-registration over the last two events.

By |2019-07-16T02:00:40-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace Offering Showcase: Pathfinder

News from Enbicon

Our friends at Enbicon have just went live for their convention in Fredericton from Sept. 27th to Sept. 29th. Game submissions are now open.

By |2019-07-16T01:58:53-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on News from Enbicon

Congrats to Jeff McNally!

Lets ALL congratulate Jeff McNally on the winner of the WHOLE WEEKEND ACCESS pass on Tabletop.Events for Impossible Realities #18: Transiting to RealSpace PM IR for details on getting your online door badge for access to preregistration and other wonderful things

By |2019-07-16T01:56:34-04:00July 16, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Congrats to Jeff McNally!
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