Impossible Realities: A Snowed Inn Gameday (ONLINE)

Impossible Realities: A Snowed Inn Gameday (ONLINE) - DEC 3 AT 6 PM – DEC 5 AT 12 AM UTC-04You know GM Ryan can't just stop with one horror-tinged binge for 2021. Yes you guessed it: ANOTHER VIRTUAL GAMING SESSION for early December, and in fitting cold shorter gloomy days, we bring you "A Snowed Inn Gameday", which frankly reminds me of "The Shining". Enjoy!

By |2023-02-08T12:21:17-04:00November 15, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Impossible Realities: A Snowed Inn Gameday (ONLINE)


SEPT 27 EDITION BIG PAGES FOR IR#20: CRITICAL HITWe've been super busy EARLY behind the scenes gathering games and GM's from all over the world for our online event coming this September 10-12, right after Labour Day. Some of our international talents come from Puerto Rico, Scotland, UK, Alaska, Iowa, Ireland, Hawaii, Texas, Croatia and regionally from Saint John, Fredericton and Halifax. A LOT of interest in horror based RPGs like Call of Cthulhu, Kult and Coriolis, as well as many Pathfinder additions. MUCH MUCH MUCH more to come over the coming months for RPG's and boardgames so stay tuned!

By |2023-02-08T12:21:17-04:00May 25, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SEPT 27 EDITION BIG PAGES FOR IR#20: CRITICAL HIT, Sept 10-12, 2021

March to Virtual Oblivion, March 5-6th, 2021

With the Covid19 pandemic ongoing and cancelling most conventions, Impossible Realities continues to deliver online RPG and boardgame experiences not only for our local players but also globally. We are EXTREMELY pleased to have GMs and players from all over the world coming to join us for our gaming days being offered online BY gamers FOR gamers. Our next upcoming event is our traditional end-of-March-Break event called March to Oblivion, March 5th-6th, 2021. This year it will be a two day event, and virtually online. Here's what in the works so far with our BIG PAGES:

By |2023-02-08T12:21:17-04:00February 1, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March to Virtual Oblivion, March 5-6th, 2021

Impossible Realities presents The Upside Down Online Game Day December 5th

Well... we can't let things get TOO quiet, and gamers being gamers, want MOAR GAMEZ!!! Several GM's expressed an interest in another pared down, one day, online game day at the beginning of December. So we did. Impossible Realities is happy to Present The Upside Down - a one day online game day without all the heavy sponsoring or details or Play-to-Win hoopla. A simple game day offering games by volunteer gamer GM's for gamers who want to game Upside Down Big Pages Update have been updated with more lovely titles have been added for our cut down fun online games day Saturday December 5th.

By |2023-02-08T12:21:17-04:00October 29, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Impossible Realities presents The Upside Down Online Game Day December 5th
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