IR #19 Just Added!

By |July 17, 2020|

Two D&D AL adventure offerings from Ryan Brown and a Space Themed Call of Cthulhu:

DDHC-TOA-02 The Tortle Package (lvs. 1-4)

Synopsis: Built by tortles, the palace is a sturdy, multilevel stone edifice with terraces carved out of the mountainside. Its name, Dangwaru, loosely translates to “high home” in Aquan. No one remembers the name of the cleric for whom the palace was built.

CCC-CNE-01 […]

Door Badges Raffle!

By |July 17, 2020|

Hello all! IR# 19 is shaping up nicely. We have recently added Sunday, Sept. 13th to the schedule for some more virtual gaming. These time slots, as well as Saturday and Friday, are open for GM submissions.

We are selling Door Badges for entry raffle draws for some nice prize lots.They are for sale now. EVENT registration opens Aug. 1st for the TOP TIER, Aug. 2nd for MIDDLE TIER, and Aug. 3rd for FLOOR TIER. These can be found here:

Impossible Realities News