By |July 16, 2019|

David Glassford is the first member of the new “Monster GM Club”! He has signed up to run 12 hours worth of events. With this he has received FREE admission to Impossible Realities #18: Transiting to RealSpace.

This new offering is applicable to anyone who submits 12 hours worth of events! You’ll be recognized as a Monster GM and receive FREE admission for IR #18 as a thank you for your time and dedication.…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events

IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace: Recent Additions:

By |July 16, 2019|

POKEMON! 8 Player Tournament by Chas Goguen.

D&D Adventure League by Patrick Smith

World Building Panel by Dana Betts

Play to Win Board Game Selections

Pulp Cthulhu by Ryan Finn

To be added:

2 – Vampire The Masquerade LARP Events

Cosplay Scheduling

Check full schedule here:

IR #18: Transiting to RealSpace GM CALL!!!

By |July 16, 2019|

Submissions for GM/DM/LM/Cosplay/LARP events will close on Aug. 23rd. Events submitted online before this date will be eligible for the chance to win GM/DM/LM/Cosplay/LARP SWAG!

SUBMIT ONLINE SOON:…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events

Also get your Door Badges and preregister for up to 29 submitted events that include POKEMON tournament, Board Game Blitz, D&D 5ed homebrew and organised play, Pathfinder Society, Call of Cthulhu, Gaming Panels, Magic: The Gathering, 18 Player MegaCivilization, and MORE!

Impossible Realities News