IR#19 Pathfinder ADDED!

IR#19 Just ADDED! 3 Pathfinder Society Offerings added for First and Second Edition by the wonderful David Glassford!

By |2020-07-17T02:19:05-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR#19 Pathfinder ADDED!

Door Badges Raffle!

Hello all! IR# 19 is shaping up nicely. We have recently added Sunday, Sept. 13th to the schedule for some more virtual gaming. These time slots, as well as Saturday and Friday, are open for GM submissions. We are selling Door Badges for entry raffle draws for some nice prize lots.They are for sale now. EVENT registration opens Aug. 1st for the TOP TIER, Aug. 2nd for MIDDLE TIER, and Aug. 3rd for FLOOR TIER. These can be found here:

By |2020-07-17T02:17:24-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Door Badges Raffle!

IR#19: Brace for Impact Virtual Gaming Convention

Hello everyone! Things are ramping up for our first ever Virtual Convention. We have a variety of virtual board games, tabletop RPG's, and vendor signups on the schedule right now. But, we still need your help. Without the help and volunteer time of GM's, these conventions would not happen. Saying that, if you are thinking, or would like to offer a board game/RPG/seminar during Sept. 11-12th, please reach out or follow the submit link below:…/impossible-realitie…/submit-events We are also running a Discord server for all announcements and con communication which can be joined here:

By |2020-07-17T02:15:26-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR#19: Brace for Impact Virtual Gaming Convention

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #4 – The Doom That Came to Wessex – (Cthulhu: Dark Ages)

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #4 The Doom That Came to Wessex - (Cthulhu: Dark Ages) - GM: Ryan Finn (Sat, Sept. 12th @ 6pm-10pm) All is not well at the Monastery of S. Swithun, with an attack leaving some of the monks dead or injured. Something foul is afoot threatening the very sanctity of the monastery.

By |2020-07-17T02:13:54-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #4 – The Doom That Came to Wessex – (Cthulhu: Dark Ages)

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #3 – Aquelarre (Medieval Roleplaying Game)

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #3 Aquelarre (Medieval Roleplaying Game) - GM: Ryan Finn Monks copy manuscripts silently in their cold monastery rooms. A hammer falls again and again on glowing red metal in a blacksmith shop. Fragrant flowers perfume private courtyard gardens. Grim and silent soldiers march the dusty roads in search of enemies, both infidel or faithful. This is the world of the Middle Ages, which our ancestors knew, and which shaped our present. But beyond this human world, in the most shadowy depths of the woods, in the loneliest cave, in the most obscure cell, in the dimmest chambers of the human heart, legends live. Here, demons haunt castles, elves skulk in the forest, alchemists concoct spells, and witches laugh and laugh around their campfire in a forest clearing bathed in moonlight, as the demon sitting among them raises his goatish head and grins, directly at you, dear reader, saying, "Welcome to the aquelarre; welcome to the coven."

By |2020-07-17T02:11:44-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #3 – Aquelarre (Medieval Roleplaying Game)

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #2 Star Trek Adventures: TNG Era

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #2 Star Trek Adventures: TNG Era - GM: Chris Fougere Space: The final frontier. Our five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!

By |2020-07-17T02:09:08-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #2 Star Trek Adventures: TNG Era

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #1 – Traveller RPG

IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #1Traveller RPG - GM: Greg CairesClassic Traveller one-shot adventure. The PCs are Imperial Rescue & Recovery Corps - the Emperor's Own Sappers - highly trained specialists at preventing or mitigation space-based disasters. "On your worst day they are your best hope to survive the cold hard uncaring vacuum of deep space" - Me.

By |2020-07-17T02:06:21-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact Game Showcase #1 – Traveller RPG

IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual Con) Update We have just added 7 Virtual Board Game offerings!

IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual Con) UpdateWe have just added 7 Virtual Board Game offerings!Sat 11:00AM:Terraforming Mars (Rankine)Sat 1:30PM:Terraforming Mars (Henneberry)Terraforming Mars (Betts)Sat 6PM:Lords of Waterdeep (Henneberry)Lords of Waterdeep (Betts)Sun 9AM (to be updated):Ticket to Ride USA (Henneberry)Ticket to Ride USA (Betts)Find them here:…/impossible-realities-19…/schedule…

By |2020-07-17T02:01:49-04:00July 17, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR #19: Brace for Impact (Virtual Con) Update We have just added 7 Virtual Board Game offerings!

Impossible Realities #19: Brace for Impact Online Convention

Impossible Realities #19: Brace for Impact Online Convention is happening. We've got SO much planned and SO much already offered. Check out what is already in the works with prizes and games, real and virtual! Online and powered with Discord September 11-13th. Tentative games, write ups, and details to follow shortly!

By |2020-07-14T17:16:51-04:00July 14, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Impossible Realities #19: Brace for Impact Online Convention

In case you missed it…

Impossible Realities Gaming and Cosplay Convention is currently in a bit of an unusual situation here in the province of New Brunswick in Canada. To say we're a bit off the beaten path, even by Canadian standards is a bit of an understatement; however, New Brunswick at the forefront of safely reopening and getting back to the new normal.That being said, we've watched well over a hundred mainline conventions suspend operations for the duration of the year. While we here at IR have wishful thinking that our September event could be live and in person, we have decided this year to offer a virtual gaming convention with online games, virtual vendors, game support and virtual panels. This is truly a new experience for us, and thanks to our adaptive executive, we're pleased to say we're getting some lovely attention from GM's and players from afar wanting to have a con experience this year. While we may be physically located in Maritime Eastern Canada, we have [...]

By |2020-05-16T00:51:51-04:00May 16, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on In case you missed it…
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