IR16: Paradigm Shifting in the Void Play-to-Win winners are…

The Impossible Realities 16: Paradigm Shifting in the Void Play to Win victors are: Emergence by Stonemaier Games: Winner = Greg Sommerville Patchworks (for two) – Lady Dovelle / Geb Bernard: Winner = Michael Evans Camel Cup – Lady Dovelle / Geb Bernard: Winner = Susan Charchck* Terror of Meeple City – Lady Dovelle / Geb Bernard: Winner =Kevin Gillette Pandemic Cthulhu – Lady Dovelle / Geb Bernard: Winner = Brian Greenlaw Boss Monster w / expansions – Brotherwise Games: Winner = Patrick Smith Cranium – Dana Betts: Winner = Amanda Evans Pairs – CheapAss Games: Winner = Lessa Thornton* Give me the Brain – CheapAss Games: Winner = Tai Mitchell* Lord of the Fries – CheapAss Games: Winner = Melissa Thornton* Kill Doctor Lucky – CheapAss Games: Winner = Mike Wilcott * = these prizes will be delivered to Heroes’ Beacon for pick up at your convenience. If other arrangements are preferred, please contact us.

By |2017-09-13T01:38:43-04:00September 13, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IR16: Paradigm Shifting in the Void Play-to-Win winners are…

Tomb of Horrors IWK fundraiser at IR16

We will be holding a Tomb of Horrors IWK fundraiser. You can donate money to help the adventurers or my personal favourite, donating a bunch of money to summon Big Bad Scary things for them to fight. Non attendees can still watch and donate as this will be live streamed on

By |2017-08-31T12:29:23-04:00August 31, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Tomb of Horrors IWK fundraiser at IR16

Time Sensitive Announcement!

Hey Everyone! One of our sponsors from our Play and Win section just launched a new game on Kickstarter. Emergence: Dark Ops is the standalone sequel to Emergence (That you might have tried during the convention). This second creation is designed specifically to unite your gaming group and recapture the excitement of board game nights. Check out their Kickstarter here as the first 24 hours have an early bird discount pricing. If they fund, you will have a chance to win the game during our Play and Win!

By |2017-08-29T16:35:30-04:00August 29, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Time Sensitive Announcement!

MID-SUMMER CALL FOR GM’S for IR16, Sept 8-10, 2017

Hi everyone! This is your mid-summer reminder to get your game offerings into Steve or Dana so that we can get you into the schedule as early as possible AND reserve swag for you to give away. Impossible Realities gaming events are made by gamers running games for gamers. If you want to play in something, offer to run something for someone else, and we'll provide the goodies. Contact Steve Henderson at Heroes' Beacon or Dana Betts here for scheduling. Have a great summer! -Dana

By |2017-08-16T01:03:47-04:00August 16, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on MID-SUMMER CALL FOR GM’S for IR16, Sept 8-10, 2017

IWK Charity Auction at IR16

Photo Session with Creative Lifestyles Studio Value $125 Starting bid $20 Post your bids in the comments and share share share. Let's raise some money for the IWK. Items can be paid for and picked up on site at Impossible Realities 2017, 228 Germaine St, September 8-10. Follow the above link for many other items up for auction for our donation to the IWK.

By |2017-08-16T00:45:53-04:00August 16, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IWK Charity Auction at IR16

SFX Artist Kadi Oram at IR16

We promised you panels and we are still working on the schedule, in the meantime check out this confirmed artist panel who worked on the set of Anonymous Zombie and is slated to work on two more movies this year. Come check out this fantastic demo by Kadi Oram on how to make realistic veins for your zombie costume ideas. Open discussion to follow if time provides. You don't want to miss this.

By |2017-07-28T19:06:03-04:00July 28, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on SFX Artist Kadi Oram at IR16

MEGACIVILIZATION up-to-18-player tournament at IR16, Sept 9, 2017

MEGACIVILIZATION UP-TO-18-PLAYER TOURNAMENT at IR16: Paradigm Shifting in the Void Impossible Realities is proud to announce that it has Megacivilization, the true heir to Avalon Hill’s classic build your empire and technology game Advanced Civilization EXCEPT UPDATED AND MUCH LARGER, spanning from Britain to the far side of India!!!!! We will be hosting an all day tournament Saturday at IR16: Paradigm Shifting in the Void, Sept 8-10th, 2017, Saint John, NB. Details can be also found here. Yes this monster will take 12 hours or more to play so this is a game for the hardcore. I’m working on a suitable swag prize for the ultimate winner, and house/tournament rules will be made available ahead of time (such as no liquidating your entire empire and sacking someone just to throw the entire game, and other total sleaze moves. Feeling lucky Caesar?

By |2017-07-28T14:54:15-04:00July 28, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on MEGACIVILIZATION up-to-18-player tournament at IR16, Sept 9, 2017

Magic the Gathering at IR16

We have Heroes' Beacon and GameZilla Saint John collaborating to bring you Magic The Gathering tournaments all weekend long. All skill levels are welcome. Prizes are based on attendance. See you there!

By |2017-07-23T01:28:22-04:00July 23, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Magic the Gathering at IR16
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