Atomic-Age Cthulhu
It has been some time since we sent out a proper newsletter; we've been working away on products near and far. In the near category, you will soon see Atomic-Age Cthulhu in your friendly local game store, along with the recently-released Terror From the Skies. Chaosium is also honored that Diehard Gamefan has awarded Tabletop Gaming Awards to two of our 2012 publications: Cthulhu By Gaslight Cthulhu By Gaslight won Best Re-Make / Re-Release. It was praised for the new content and quality of production. Everyone at Chaosium is thrilled to be part of creating great products. While we strive to publish books of the highest quality, our aim for 2013 is to publish more great quality works. We are working hard to ensure more releases for your enjoyment. “Cthulhu By Gaslight wasn’t just the best re-make of the 2012, it was one of the best RPG books of the year, period.” — Alexander Lucard Mythic Iceland Mythic Iceland was also honored with an award, [...]