City comic book store featured on cover of latest Godzilla
Icon | Manager hopes this will attract new readers Published Thursday February 24th, 2011 By DON MACPHERSON Beware, citizens, Godzilla is coming to Fredericton, and he's going to stomp on a downtown business. Stephen MacGillivray Photo Jason Arnold, manager of Strange Adventures comics and curiosities store on York Street, jokes around as he looks at an image of the front of the new Godzilla comic, which has Godzilla's foot crushing his store. Strange Adventures, a comic book and gaming store at 68 York St., will be featured on the cover of a new Godzilla comic, slated for release next month. Manager Jason Arnold said IDW Publishing, the publisher of the Godzilla comic, informed comics retailers of a new promotional idea. Shops that ordered 500 copies of Godzilla #1 could get a special edition of the issue featuring the reptilian monster's foot smashing the stores to pieces on the cover. Strange Adventures owner Calum Johnston, who lives in Halifax and operates another Strange Adventures store [...]