March To Oblivion 2011

March to Oblivion has been conformed for Saturday March 12, 2011 at the Chinese Commerce Center (Same bat cave, same bat channel for those of you who get the reference). $10 for the entire day. Yes there will be whipping and Frenzies! galore, Do You Worship Cthulhu (I expect to be shot or sacrificed immediately for some reason), D&D for the devout, more insanity and gruesome ends in Call of Cthulhu, defending the Imperium against the dark hordes, and rumours about of Adrian Silva running a console Fighter's Tournament. Games, games, games, and Chaos Chili perhaps? See you there

By |2011-01-17T09:19:31-04:00January 17, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sandy Carruthers Tentatively slated to attend IR10: Persistance of Vision

Biography Sandy Carruthers was born on May 11, 1962 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and describes his earliest memory of anything comic book related as watching Batman on TV when he was three. He began drawing at four when he recreated an illustration of a robot stamp. Even at this early age, he was able to accurately reproduce a larger version of this stamp. Carruthers trained at Holland College between 1979–1981 in its Commercial Design Program (later renamed Graphic Design) which he now teaches. He also attended Sheridan College in Ontario, taking its Illustration program. He currently resides in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Works Carruthers first started working in comics at Malibu Graphics and worked on many black and white titles. His biggest success was The Men in Black (comic), which he illustrated, the comic later becoming a film, Men in Black. He also worked on Captain Canuck. He worked as the Editorial Cartoonist for the Charlottetown Guardian newspaper. He published a book of [...]

By |2011-01-04T10:14:00-04:00January 4, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘World of Warcraft’ gets facelift in ‘Cataclysm;’ gamers get new villain

Published Monday December 6th, 2010 Curtis Withers, The Canadian Press The developers of "World of Warcraft" wanted to breathe new life into their flagship franchise and they were willing to blow up a large part of their world to do it. (Edit - I'm no fan of WoW. Why not blow it all up?) THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO Screengrab from "Cataclysm," the latest expansion pack to the PC game "World of Warcraft." The developers of “World of Warcraft” wanted to breathe new life into their flagship franchise and they were willing to blow up a large part of their world to do it. "Cataclysm," the third expansion for the best-selling online role-playing PC game from Blizzard Entertainment, goes on sale Tuesday. As the name implies, a worldwide catastrophe has shattered the game's setting of Azeroth. Towns have been destroyed, floods and droughts have ravaged the world's landscape, and tensions between the game's two main factions, the Alliance and the Horde, are high. And the giant dragon [...]

By |2010-12-07T10:41:56-04:00December 7, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The force is absent: Original Darth Vader costume fails to sell at London auction

Published Thursday November 25th, 2010 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LONDON - Auctioneers overestimated the power of the dark side. Christie's employees walk past a Darth Vader costume from the epic 'Star Wars' movie anthology on display during the 'Popular Culture : Film and Entertainment' sale at Christie's auction house in London, Thursday, Nov. 25, 2010. The Darth Vader costume sold for a hammer down price of 150,000 pounds (US$236,700 or 177,300 euro) (AP Photo/Sang Tan An original Darth Vader costume from a "Star Wars" movie did not sell at auction Thursday when no bidder offered to pay the reserve price, Christie's auctioneers said. The outfit — a jet-black helmet, mask and armour — was expected to sell for between 160,000 pounds and 230,000 pounds ($250,000 to $365,000). The reserve price is confidential but generally it is just under the minimum expected price. Christie's said bidding stopped at 150,000 pounds. The costume is thought to have been made for "The Empire Strikes Back," the second film in [...]

By |2010-11-26T10:54:39-04:00November 26, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Buffy’ to kick more vampire butt in Warner Bros.’ planned remake of 1992 movie

Published Wednesday November 24th, 2010 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Vampires, beware: Buffy is coming back. A remake of the horror comedy "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is in the works at Warner Bros., the studio said Tuesday. A studio spokeswoman says the project is in the earliest stages of development. It hasn't even been green-lit yet, and there's no director or star attached. One thing we do know: Joss Whedon, who wrote the first "Buffy" script and created the TV series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar that became a pop-culture phenomenon, is not involved. The new script comes from Whit Anderson, a 29-year-old actress-turned-writer. The original 1992 movie starred Kristy Swanson as a teenager who learns it's her destiny to battle vampires.

By |2010-11-26T10:52:52-04:00November 26, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Chaosium Holiday Sale!

It's Thanksgiving time, and time for a Chaosium Holiday Sale! We know that money is tight, so here is your chance to save Big Bucks. Starting now and lasting through next weekend we are offering a CYCLOPEAN DISCOUNT of 25% OFF on Chaosium titles and knick-knacks throughout our online catalog. It's been some time since our last sale, and we've added a number of new titles and monographs since. NEW MONOGRAPH Speaking of new monographs, we just happen to have Lords of Tarsa on-hand and in time for the sale. It is a Basic Roleplaying fantasy setting. The year is 1092 in the Age of Itania. The King of Mirensa, villified as a killer of children, schemes to bring the Nine Kingdoms under his crown. His rivals engage magi and spies to thwart this ambition. RECENT OFFERINGS The Yith Cycle: The planet Yith is the home of the Great Race, a place inspiring H.P. Lovecraft and other authors to pen classic tales of travel through [...]

By |2010-11-26T10:51:56-04:00November 26, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Walking Dead gets a second season, twice as long as the first

(New York, NY - November 8, 2010) AMC announced today the renewal of "The Walking Dead" for a 13-episode second season. Since debuting Sunday, October 31, "The Walking Dead" has broken ratings records, with the series reaching more Adults 18-49 than any other show in the history of cable television. Today's announcement also includes Fox International Channels' (FIC) global renewal for a second season, following record-breaking premiere ratings in 120 countries in Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. "The Walking Dead" was the highest-rated original series premiere ever to air on FIC simultaneously worldwide. "The 'Dead' has spread!" said Charlie Collier, President, AMC. "No other cable series has ever attracted as many Adults 18-49 as 'The Walking Dead.' This reaffirms viewers' hunger for premium television on basic cable. We are so proud to be bringing back 'The Dead' again, across the globe." Ratings Highlights for The Walking Dead - Episode 2, which premiered on AMC Sunday, 11/7: * 10pm airing - 3.1 HH [...]

By |2010-11-09T11:16:53-04:00November 9, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Force Unleashed II’ manages to make fantastic Jedi powers seem ordinary

In "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II," you play as a Jedi warrior who can fire torrents of lightning from his fingertips, grab spaceships out of the sky and telekinetically hurl them at his enemies, and use the power of his mind to influence his weak-willed foes to attack one another. In "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II," you play as a Jedi warrior who can fire torrents of lightning from his fingertips, grab spaceships out of the sky and telekinetically hurl them at his enemies, and use the power of his mind to influence his weak-willed foes to attack one another. Been there, done that. Sure, with such mayhem at your fingertips, the latest Star Wars game from LucasArts is fun enough to play, but the problem with "The Force Unleashed II" is that it doesn't do enough to build on its successful predecessor. If you've played the first "Force Unleashed," you've seen all the exact same gimmicks before, making these fabulous force powers [...]

By |2010-11-09T10:52:00-04:00November 9, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Lovecraftian Tales of the Great Race and Time Travel

The planet Yith is the home of the Great Race, a place inspiring H.P. Lovecraft and other authors to pen classic tales of travel through time and space. In “The Shadow Out of Time" (here with new, purified text) there is implicit a very different view of Homo Sapiens’ origins, derived directly from the modern mythology of the Theosophical Society. Lovecraft often mentioned Theosophy as a kind of foil and precedent for his own Mythos in his stories. This collection includes tales of Yith both famous and obscure, replete with time travel, mind-exchange, and thrilling vistas of primordial history set in context that enables new readers and long-time Lovecraftian fans alike to enjoy them. Includes short stories by H.P. Lovecraft, August W. Derleth, Richard L. Tierney and many others. RECENT OFFERINGS Soon Nyarlathotep's plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be irrevocably changed —but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much, but they must survive long enough to make sense of [...]

By |2010-11-09T10:44:27-04:00November 9, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Perilous Adventures to Thwart the Dark God

At last, the stars are almost right! Soon Nyarlathotep's plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be irrevocably changed —but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much, but they must survive long enough to make sense of what they know, and take resolute action. This roleplaying classic is a series of linked adventures forming one long and unforgettable Call of Cthulhu campaign. Horrifying deeds and dangerous sorcery dog those who dare attempt to unravel the fate of the Carlyle Expedition. The non-linear narrative keeps players baffled and on their toes. Action is the byword as the player-characters evade or combat cultists, magic, mad men, and the dread powers of the Outer Gods. Masks of Nyarlathotep is a Lovecraftian exercise in horror and mystery. Set in 1925, adventures begin in New York, then move overseas to England, Egypt, Kenya Colony, Shanghai, and western Australia. Such extended globetrotting requires wit and planning by the players. Their investigators must have steady finances, good language [...]

By |2010-11-05T10:43:59-04:00November 5, 2010|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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