In the future, perhaps we’ll rediscover good science fiction
Norbert Cunningham is the Times & Transcript editorial page editor. His column appears here every Friday. Published Friday November 5th, 2010 Where has all the great science fiction gone? Or put another way, is it just me or is there an incredible dearth of truly imaginative and thought-provoking science fiction these days compared to times past, particularly in the realms of television and movies? This despite the fact that "space" themed shows seem to be all the rage, along with the obsession with vampires, zombies, ghosts/spirits and mediums, the latter two genres of which are thinly veiled American religious pablum for the most part. One ought not to expect much from that list given that the topics themselves are inherently one-dimensional and provide little room to take them further than they've already been taken. But science fiction, now there's a genre with a full range of possibilities for exploring a universe of themes while also entertaining us. Yet few appear to have taken advantage of [...]