The Princess Bride

Just a quick line to confirm that we are doing a movie night at Cinema 10 in Saint John on McAllister Drive. We're set to show The Princess Bride at 11:30 PM, Saturday, September 5th. THERE WILL BE DOOR PRIZES!!! We'll be handing out propaganda for IR 8 - From Crazy 8s to Nuclear Devastation (and all points in between).  For goodness sake, read the material!  A number of these documents will be specially marked and the person who gets a marked document wins a prize.  Can it be any easier than that?  (Gosh I hope not!) Prizes include (from Spicer Smith & Cole) a men's and a lady's watch by Bulova  (for some reason I thought I picked up a lady's Citizen... senility is setting in I guess).  Anyway, you know Bulova doesn't come out a gumball machine.  We're also securing gift cards from Blockbuster videos, Empire Theatres and a personal favorite of mine, Mad City Comics on Charlotte Street for those last minute [...]

By |2009-07-07T11:03:15-04:00July 7, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Secret Agent Clank: A Bad Joke

Philippe Landry Acadie Nouvelle It looks as though the lifespan of the PlayStation 2 (PS2) is coming to an end.  There are fewer games for this system.  Less than a half-dozen gems are released each month.  And most of them are launched on other platforms simultaneously. Even if Secret Agent Clank is one of those rare games meant exclusively for the PS2, it’s disappointing to see that even Sony doesn’t seem interested making an effort by launching, in my opinion, a game that should never have seen the light of day. In fact, Secret Agent Clank isn’t really exclusive to the PS2.  It’s actually a game that had appeared on the PSP  over a year ago, but which now sees its life extended by being launched on the PS2.  Given that I’ve already played the edition that appeared on the PSP, I quickly noted the differences between the two versions. Firstly, the edition for the PS2 isn’t different from the PSP edition.  The story is [...]

By |2009-07-07T11:01:21-04:00July 7, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Guitar Hero Metallica: Solid like a rock!

By Philippe Landry, reporter Acadie Nouvelle, June 6 2009 Thank you Metallica!  With the participation of this legendary group, the Guitar Hero series goes full out and reassures us that it can still surprise us, this in spite having lost ground to its competition, Rock Band.  Having also lost some of its luster thanks to some weaker showings (GH: Aerosmith), I think it’s clear that Guitar Hero isn’t ready to hang it up. The formula for this edition doesn’t stray far from the others of this series but the presence of a giant in the rock industry like Metallica permits the series to take flight once again, and millions of Metallica and metal fans have welcomed this edition with open arms. GH: Metallica lets players use all the instruments offered with GH: World Tour.  It’s therefore possible to pick your favorite band member while other players look after the rest.  It is still possible, however, to play a solo with one instrument at a time. [...]

By |2009-06-22T15:28:27-04:00June 22, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Gaggle of Licensees

A Gaggle of Licensees! The past week has seen an influx of numerous licensee releases, both near and far. From Keith Herber and Kevin Ross, the guys at Miskatonic River Press, we just received their first book NEW TALES OF THE MISKATONIC VALLEY, a collection of six Lovecraft Country adventures. Toward the end of last year Editions Sans-Détour, our new French publisher, came online and Call of Cthulhu is once again available in that language. Sometime ago we offered their core CALL OF CTHULHU rulesbook. Now we have the French-language KEEPER'S SCREEN and first supplement SECRETS OF NEW YORK. Our good buddies at Q-Workshop surprised us with some new sanity-stealing CALL OF CTHULHU DICE. We received physical copies of our recent monograph additions: MYSTERIES OF SUDAN by Jason Williams and MYSTIC ALLIANCES by Kamal Lombardi. Finally, long-time licensee Pagan Publishing has released their long-awaited Call of Cthulhu supplement MYSTERIES OF MESOAMERICA. This is a large campaign delving into the secrets of central America. Thanks for [...]

By |2009-03-04T05:38:12-04:00March 4, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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