A New, Free Solo Adventure!
While we wrangle with the printer on the print version of Call of Cthulhu, we’ve been at work getting a number of other projects completed. Our project backers should have seen some of this information and, at the least, have gotten a code for a free download of Cthulhu Through The Ages. If you are a backer and have not gotten this code or these notes, please let us know.
This is a solo adventure for the Call of Cthulhu game, and a return to a type of product we released in our early years. This is a horror story set in the 1920s where you are the main character, and your choices determine the outcome. It is also designed to lead you through the basic rules of the game in a gradual and entertaining fashion. Although most such adventures are played with your friends, this one is just for you.
Before you begin to play, make sure you have a copy of the Call of Cthulhu Seventh Edition Quick-Start Rules, and a blank investigator sheet. You can download a printable investigator sheet, or an interactive PDF version of the sheet, as well as the Quick-Start Rules from www.chaosium.com. You’ll also need a pencil, an eraser, and some roleplaying dice. Using our Chaosium downloads, you can begin playing immediately, and for free.
Two files are included: a linked PDF and an EPUB edition.
You don’t need to read the rules before you start. Just settle in a comfortable chair before a roaring fire. Then read on and follow the instructions.
…On second thought, don’t sit too close to the fire.
Cthulhu Through The Ages was created to help players adopt the latest rule-set for the wide range of settings published by Chaosium. Here you will find straightforward guidance and era-specific rules for investigator creation for seven different settings, along with updated rules for combat for Cthulhu Dark Ages, Cthulhu Invictus, and Mythic Iceland, as well as a sprinkling of other topics, like scenario seeds, setting-specific monsters, and investigator organizations.
Some settings like Cthulhu by Gaslight and the Dreamlands will be familiar to many veteran players of the game. Others, like Mythic Iceland, Icarus, and The Reaping, will be new. Settings like Icarus and The Reaping are are offered as possible visions of the future. The material herein is designed to inspire, placing the Keeper in the driver’s seat to fine-tune the materials in order to construct the setting.
Also included are newly-designed investigator sheets for each of the settings detailed, which are:
• Cthulhu Invictus
• Cthulhu Dark Ages
• Mythic Iceland
• The Dreamlands
• Cthulhu by Gaslight
• Cthulhu Icarus
• Cthulhu End Times: The Reaping
The investigator sheets appear at the back of the PDF in printable form. They are also available in writeable PDF form and can also be downloaded from the Chaosium website for free. Our thanks to Dean Englehardt for his fantastic work on designing and putting these sheets together.
Sorry for the pause in getting news out; we’ve been focusing on getting our last shipments to our Orient Express backers, wrangling our next wonderful books, and battling sickness, disease, and pestilence during these winter months.
The cartons containing the Orient Express goodies for the EU backers, as well as non-EU upper-level backers are filled with gaming goodness! Our shipping shoggoth, Ken, and his abominable minions report that there are more than 100 separate items in those upper-level cartons. These include such items (appropriate to reward level) as the Keeper Screen, die-cut Simulacrum, dice, and Madness on the Orient Express. Each box being crafted for each backer takes a great deal of time, but now we are done.
When all is said and done, this product will be listed in the Annals of Gaming History as a glorious, iconic item. “I don’t think,” says Charlie, “that we will ever do another project in quite this way again.” Anyway, Horror on the Orient Express is a wonderful adventure in all respects and, even with all the work and stress, has been a great thing to work on. Roleplaying is our art, and that’s what drives us.
Thanks for visiting,
The Recovering Chaosium Crew