Who’d we call?
We had to make a call... to The Maritime Ghostbusters.
We had to make a call... to The Maritime Ghostbusters.
Canada @ Midnight Live Action Role Playing Club: House of Dark Tidings, Saint John, NB Presents: Vampire the Masquerade - Friday & Saturday Evenings: Synopsis: The city of Saint John is controlled by the mysterious Sunlight Oil on the surface and the mafia in the seedy underbelly beneath it. The creatures of the night have recently moved into the city, and wish to try to take it's power for themselves. Prince Elder Mason of Clan Ventrue has invited kindred to come celebrate his Millennial Birthday with a Ball on Saturday Night. This event must occur without any interference from outside forces. The security of this important event must be secured. (Friday Night) Come join the fun! No Character NO PROBLEM! There are NPCs available to play. :) Want to make a character for the game? Feel free to contact me! Happy Gaming! Story Teller (ADST) : Ness Klohn Email: masquerade.hodt@gmail.com
Gaming and cosplay takes a lot of energy. Be sure to head down the street to Big Tide Brewing Co. to replenish your energy. Big Tide is kindly giving Impossible Realities attendees 20% all weekend when you show your bracelet. Please keep in mind that if you are under 19 you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Impossible Realities Sept 8-10, 2017 This coming September 8-10 2017 we are hosting a weekend long event at 228 Germain Street, Saint John, New Brunswick. Tabletop gamers and cosplayers all weekend, everyone is welcome to come on by and enjoy themselves. https://www.facebook.com/IRSaintJohn/videos/1433416846765337/
We are happy to announce that Point of Light Productions will be at Impossible Realities this year. To book your photo shoot please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/320552385049071/?ti=icl. We can't wait to see your cosplays!
It is time again to get ready for the 16th annual Impossible Realities: Paradigm Shifting in the Void. A full weekend of gaming on September 8th - 10th, 2016, at the Interaction Theatre of the Arts, 228 Germain Street, Saint John. To add a game to the schedule, contact us on the Impossible Realities facebook page or Steve Henderson or Dana Betts via impossiblerealitiescon at gmail.com Please feel free to check out the Impossible Realities Facebook page: HERE Sponsors: Lady Dovelle / Geb Bernard Chaos Marmoset / Dana Betts Adventure-a-Week http://adventureaweek.com/ Blue Panther LLC http://www.bluepantherllc.com/ Brotherwise Games http://brotherwisegames.com Chaosium Inc. http://www.chaosium.com Chaotic Shiny Productions http://chaoticshinyproductions.com CheapAss Games http://www.cheapass.com Dice Candies www.dicecandies.com Dreamscape Design http://dreamscapedesign.net Elzra Corp. www.elzra.com Flying Buffalo Inc http://www.flyingbuffalo.com Heroes’ Beacon http://heroesbeacon.com/ Pinnacle Entertainment Group http://www.peginc.com Rio Grand Games http://riograndegames.com/ Stonemaier Games https://stonemaiergames.com The Impossible Dream https://www.tiltingatwindmills.net More TBA Event cost: Single Day - $10 Full Weekend - $20 ALL WEEKEND SPECIAL FEATURE Point of Light Productions (Cosplay photography) www.pointoflightproductions.com/ Breakout: 15-minute Escape [...]
Our next guest announcement is local comic artist Gregory Grondin. This is the man behind Space Pawdyssey - Misfits in Space, an ongoing web comic series published every Friday. We strongly recommend you check out his work at www.spacepawdyssey.com but also that you come out and meet this fantastic artist in person. See you there!
Our next guest announcement is: Moncton Spidey! He'll be here Saturday only. Be sure to come by and say Hi. For more information check out http://www.facebook.com/themonctonspidey
Come take part in our Pokémon: win a box tournament in collaboration with GameZilla Saint John. Only $10 in addition to your convention pass (ages 12 and under get 50% off their convention pass). Minimum 12 players required but the more players we have the more packs we can award. Format: expanded. See you there!
We are very excited to announce this special cosplay guest. Follow Lanthea Cosplay on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lantheacosplay/ and be sure to come out and say hi September 8th, 9th or 10th.