STRANGE AEONS II from Chaosium
Strange Aeons II Call of Cthulhu Adventures for Spring 2010. This Title should be sent to the printer by the end of February, for an April Release. For Spring 2010 STRANGE AEONS II CHA23117 MSRP $34.95 ISBN-10: 1-56882-326-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-56882-326-3 240 pages "The Great Old Ones were, the Great Old Ones are, the Great Old Ones shall be.” That famous saying is the essence of the Cthulhu Mythos. The Great Old Ones are a cosmic evil that have existed since before time, and shall exist long after humanity has gone the way of the dinosaurs. This book illustrates the eternal struggle between man and the forces of the mythos. This book contains nine scenarios that run the chronological gambit from prehistoric times to a distant future. Each adventure comes with six pre-generated characters for the players to use, allowing for quick play with a minimum of fuss. While each scenario is meant to be a standalone experience. Here are brief descriptions of the nine eras [...]