Impossible Realities #19: Brace for Impact Offering Showcase

By |August 2, 2020|

Fatum Sperantia: A Love Story – (Aquelarre) – Act 1 of 3 on Saturday 9AM GM: Ryan Finn

Fatum Sperantia: A Love Story – (Aquelarre) – Act 2 of 3 on Sunday 9AM GM: Ryan Finn

Fatum Sperantia: A Love Story – (Aquelarre) – Act 3 of 3 at Enbicon GM: Ryan Finn

Two star-crossed lovers, angels separated by the War in Heaven, mortal bodies were a blessing. A rare chance to experience their deep, […]

Impossible Realities #19: Brace for Impact Offering Showcase

By |August 2, 2020|

Terraforming Mars – 1 Section on Saturday 11AM & 2 more at 1:30PM. GM: Dana, Sue, and Emmerson

In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable. In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your […]

Impossible Realities News