News From Numbskull Games
Divided Republic: We are looking to publish Divided Republic, a game designed by Alex Bagosy covering the four-way contest of the 1860 presidential election. If you’d like to help make this happen, check out the kickstarter. Additional resources: DR on, DR on Facebook, DR on BGG
Strategicon: We will be at Strategicon in Los Angeles, September 2-5.
Coming Soon: Bullfrog Goldfield has finished printing and we are awaiting the arrival of its shipment. If you would like to preorder it, please e-mail Preorders will be shipped as soon as we receive the game, so you will receive the game up to three weeks before it becomes available in stores. Preordering the game will cost $50, but we will cover shipping in the United States and Canada.
Prepotent: Our current new project is under way. Check it out on BGG.
Local Conventions: We are looking for ladies and gentlemen to represent us at the multitude of conventions throughout the world we are unable to attend ourselves. If you would be interested in showing any of our games you enjoy at your local convention, please get in contact with us!
Black nickel pieces are still available for the Grand Conquest plated sets.
Replacement smokestacks for Blockade Runner games are still offered. Contact us if you need them.
Check us out on BOARDGAMEGEEK! Rules answers, session reports, and game reviews are available for our games. We greatly appreciate every post made on the BGG forums about our games, as the posts there are one of the primary ways we can see that our games are being played, which makes us happy!
Connect with us on Facebook:
Retailers! Do you have our game in your store? Do you want our game in your store? Contact us at to have your store added to our list of game stores so we can direct potential sales to your store.To find out how to get our games in your store, our distributors are listed here:
Our games can be purchased directly on our website at the game pages.
We’d love to hear from you.
Patrick + Alexander Stevens, Numbskull Games