March To Oblivion 2015 Tentatives

Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 9:00am - 11:00PM at Kent Theatre, Saint John, NB A full Day of Gaming for $10 Parking lot accessible from Peters St The time has come again for another great day of gaming with Impossible Realities! As always, if you would like to run a game please let Steve Henderson or Dana Betts know. Games will run from 9:00AM until 10:30PM and the cost for the event remains at $10 for the day! PLAY TO WIN Little Devils - Stronghold Games Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom - Stronghold Kurt's Games​Pastiche - Gryphon Games Dungeon! - Private donation to IR Triassic Terror - Eagle Games Other titles to be announced (One lucky winner from those who signed out the above games WILL TAKE IT HOME!) Schedule so far: 9:00AM - Magic Booster Draft ($10) - Brian Smart​ Pathfinder Society - DM Tony Spence​ D&D Adventurers League - Patrick Smith​ 8 player Carcassonne - Dana Betts 10:00AM - 13th Age RPG - [...]

By |2015-02-13T03:35:48-04:00February 13, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March To Oblivion 2015 Tentatives

2015: off to a great start!

For about six to eight weeks we have been slaving away in the game mines, hand-crafting Horror on the Orient Express for our backers, and roughing-up those few suppliers who have not yet gotten product to us. In fact, our warehouse guys were in here on New Year's day keeping up with the collating! While offering our backers there choice of passports from among the six we had created for the game was fun, it slowed our assembly of the shipping packages. Nonetheless, the demand for Horror on the Orient Express has been great. We know that it took us a long time to get this luxury campaign released, but everyone who has gotten their copy raves about the contents, the storyline, and the pudginess of the box. There have been some great reviews, too, at some of the on-line magazines. Just Posted In all the hustle-and-bustle of the holidays, we failed to post the free PDF version of the Orient Express handouts (Book VI [...]

By |2015-01-23T12:52:30-04:00January 23, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2015: off to a great start!

March Oblivion is coming again!

Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 9:00am - 11:00PM at Kent Theatre, Saint John, NB A full Day of Gaming for $10 Parking lot accessible from Peters St The annual tradition of a day of gaming after March Break continues. As always, we are at the Chinese Commerce Center (Kent Theatre). The cost for a full day of fun is $10! Contact Steve Henderson or Dana Betts to schedule a game if you would like to run a game.

By |2015-01-14T01:21:26-04:00January 14, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March Oblivion is coming again!

Have a Great Holiday!

Everyone here at Chaosium wishes you and yours a fabulous Christmas and New Year's. We deeply appreciate your support. — Charlie, Greg, Sandy, Meghan, Dustin, Nick, Mike, Ken, Bill, and various curious others. We are now shipping a number of items that we wanted to update you about. Shipping for Christmas We are shipping Horror on the Orient Express. We have been sending backer copies for a couple of weeks, and have gotten some great reviews. As it turns out in the final tally, our Kickstarter backers secured their copies of this massive 1100+ page campaign for Call of Cthulhu at half-price; we offered it to our backers during the Kickstarter campaign for $60 — and our final retail price is $119.95. Little did we know then that the end result would be so massive. Neither did the authors, who took quite a bit longer than anticipated to write the various additions, scenarios, and the integration of the Investigator Survival guide. Of paticular note, care [...]

By |2014-12-16T12:51:04-04:00December 16, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Have a Great Holiday!

It’s Time for a Halloween Sale!

Our favorite time of year can also be yours! It's Halloween, and time for a Chaosium Halloween Sale! Starting on October 31st and lasting through the weekend of November 8th, we can help you cope with such monumental events as Halloween, the end of Daylight Saving Time (U.S.), Election Day (U.S.), and the next Full Moon! We are offering a HUGE DISCOUNT of 25$ OFF Chaosium titles, gewgaws, knick-knacks, and what-not throughout our online catalog. Best of all, this discount will apply upon checkout, so you don't need a code! ________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: This sale excludes all miniatures and items in our Kickstarter category. We do not get a great discount on the miniatures that are available, so can not offer a discount on them. For our Kickstarter backers, it is only fair to make sure that we have everything on-hand and that they have gotten their products before placing any of those items on-sale. Orders including pre-ordered items will ship once all items are [...]

By |2014-11-03T14:33:43-04:00November 3, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on It’s Time for a Halloween Sale!

Post IR13

Wow. That was a heck of a weekend. A lot happened and loads of games were played. The Play to win section saw a LOT of rotation with Run, Fight or Die being the Game of the Con followed by Eight Minute Empire, Zombies Keep Out and Nile Deluxor. Loads of new players tried them all out while the tournament players were doing the Blitz and MTG booster drafts. Flames of War demos were given, the vendors were peddling their goods and taking breaks in the Play to Win (which made everyone quite happy), many people were rendered dead or insane (or both) in Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu and many a FRENZY was heard throughout the main hall in Circus Imperium. The Canada at Midnight LARP players meandered the upper halls with an extra guest :) and LOTS of pictures were taken of the swag that was sponsored and given away to winners and players alike. Check the gallery shortly. I'll get to loading them [...]

By |2014-09-11T17:12:27-04:00September 11, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Post IR13


A short note this time around. We are working hard to polish up the new edition of Call of Cthulhu before sending it off to the printer while we await arrival of parts for Horror on the Orient Express. Since our last newsletter we have a few new products; one of which is FREE! First, we received on our doorstep a little bundle of joy — the latest issue of THE UNSPEAKABLE OATH (#24)! The magazine is full of goodness for the Call of Cthulhu player, and we have them in stock. Secondly, we posted the MAGIC WORLD QUICK-START pdf. This free download is a great introduction to Magic World, our fantasy RPG offering high-magic, wizards, demons, and weapons: all that swell stuff that makes roleplaying so much fun. Finally, we have two related items: the MIGHTY CTHULHU PRINT DICE BAG and the MIGHTY CTHULHU PRINT BANDANA. These are limited-quantity items crafted in the South Pacific at great hazard to mortal mind and soul. NOTE: [...]

By |2014-09-11T12:23:54-04:00September 11, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on MIGHTY CTHULHU

Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then….

We're 2 days away from Impossible Realities 13th annual gaming convention here in Saint John. IR13: Awakening the Old Ones fires up Friday evening at 6:00 PM, with doors opening at 5:30. $20 for the entire weekend of gaming or $10 a day. There will be a general meeting Saturday night at the supper break to discuss our vision for expanding our operations in years to come (if we do go that way) and we want your input into what you'd like to see or your concerns. So come on out, play games to have a chance of winning them, play games to get swag from our sponsors, play board games to have fun, play roleplaying games for great adventures, play games with old and new friends, PLAY GAMES JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE TO PLAY GAMES!!!! Please check out schedules either here or visit us on Facebook either as Impossible Realities or as IR13: Awakening the Old Ones.

By |2014-09-03T12:42:13-04:00September 3, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then….


IN THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR Well Gen Con 2014 has passed, and it was a mighty good show. Reports from the organizers say that 56,600+ unique gamers attended the show, which is about a 14% increase from the previous year. This bodes well for the industry as a whole and for us here at Chaosium in particular. We are greatly appreciative of the response we are getting for the new Horror on the Orient Express campaign and for the new edition of Call of Cthulhu. These have both been huge, complex projects and both will be released in the next few months. In fact, we are picking up a bit of extra, temporary warehouse space just to process these products: for Orient Express alone we are receiving more than 35,000 books plus boxes, map, diagrams, passports, matchboxes, and hordes of other paraphernalia. Anyone at Gen Con could heft our product sample and marvel at the 7.2 lbs. of adventure. We are also amused at the number [...]

By |2014-08-29T17:29:16-04:00August 29, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on IN THE REAR-VIEW MIRROR
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