March To Oblivion 2015 Tentatives
Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 9:00am - 11:00PM at Kent Theatre, Saint John, NB A full Day of Gaming for $10 Parking lot accessible from Peters St The time has come again for another great day of gaming with Impossible Realities! As always, if you would like to run a game please let Steve Henderson or Dana Betts know. Games will run from 9:00AM until 10:30PM and the cost for the event remains at $10 for the day! PLAY TO WIN Little Devils - Stronghold Games Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom - Stronghold Kurt's GamesPastiche - Gryphon Games Dungeon! - Private donation to IR Triassic Terror - Eagle Games Other titles to be announced (One lucky winner from those who signed out the above games WILL TAKE IT HOME!) Schedule so far: 9:00AM - Magic Booster Draft ($10) - Brian Smart Pathfinder Society - DM Tony Spence D&D Adventurers League - Patrick Smith 8 player Carcassonne - Dana Betts 10:00AM - 13th Age RPG - [...]