March to Oblivion, March 12, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:00am - 11:00PM at Interaction Theatre, Saint John, NB A full Day of Gaming for $10 Parking lot accessible from Queen Square or on Street The time has come again for another great day of gaming with Impossible Realities! There will be games running from 9:00AM until 11:00PM on Saturday, March 12, 2016! To reserve a spot for your game contact the Impossible Realities Facebook page, Steve Henderson or Dana Betts. February 29th will be the last day we will be updating the official schedule, after this you can post your own sign up sheet on the day of the event. Vendors (confirmed) Steeped Tea with Alicia - Amber Leighton Sue's Crochet Crafts - Sue Henneberry Dragonspire Clayworks - Amber Mason and Tina Voutour Nikki-Lee Dyckow Hippie Comfort Crochet - Jessica Terri Jean Lapointe Knot So Nerdy Designs - Julie Ralston Henderson Nerdities - Amanda Evans* Play to Win: Boss Monster with expansion - Brotherwise Games Boss Monster 2 - [...]

By |2016-01-10T12:32:24-04:00January 10, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March to Oblivion, March 12, 2016

30 Hours to Go! Cthulhu Wars Onslaught Two Kickstarter closing soon

Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Wars Onslaught Two Kickstarter is about to enter its final day, so don't miss your chance to back this incredibly exciting campaign! So far the Kickstarter has been a phenomenal success - funding in 11 minutes and reaching over 1000% funded (so far!) - energizing the fan base and creating a great deal of interest. With over 31 Stretch Goals unlocked so far, anyone who pledges over $150 now receives a heap of great figures, along new gameplay and rules. This, along with materials for a homebrew faction for players who want to make their own unique group, means the gameplay is limitless! These next 30 hours will be very exciting, so join in while you can and help bring all of the Stretch Goals!

By |2015-11-17T16:37:55-04:00November 17, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 30 Hours to Go! Cthulhu Wars Onslaught Two Kickstarter closing soon

Mid-November Update

Printing has Commenced! Presses rolling for Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed Last Friday, Chaosium President Rick Meints was delighted to inform our Call of Cthulhu Kickstarter backers that the presses have now started rolling! Printing has commenced on the internal pages, with printing of the covers to start next week. The printing process will take at least 6 weeks. Shipping from Hong Kong to our fulfillment centers in the US, Europe, and Australia begins immediately thereafter. We're looking at setting up links to "follow the shipping containers as they sail across the ocean" as other Kickstarters have done. Meanwhile, we haven't forgotten about the other stretch goal rewards, curiosity shoppe add-ons, and their status - Rick will be sending further updates to the Kickstarter backers soon. And - because we know our backers love to see progress in photos more than words - courtesy of the printers, here are some more mock-ups we shared including a demo Keeper Screen and the Slipcase: Supporting Prince of [...]

By |2015-11-17T16:36:21-04:00November 17, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mid-November Update

This September Impossible Realities returns for another great weekend of gaming! Join us in a new location! Contact Steve Henderson or Dana Betts to be added to the schedule! When: Sept 11-13 Doors Open Friday Sept 11 at 6:00PM Cost $20 for the weekend or $10 for each individual day. Confirmed sponsors: Bully Pulpit Games Brotherwise Games Chaosium Dreamscape Design Heroes' Beacon Lame Mage Productions Monolith Graphics Prince of Darkness Games Red Raven Games Rite Publishing Rio Grande Games Sand and Steam Productions Ye Olde Gaming Companye Games can be scheduled: Friday between 6:00PM - 11:00PM Saturday between 9:00AM - 11:00PM Sunday between 9:00AM - 5:00PM Gaming Schedule (to be updated as game masters commit to times) will include: Magic The Gathering - Booster Draft Dungeons & Dragons Call of Cthulhu Board Games Play To Win games Geek Out Live Action Roleplaying Play To Win Games Boss Monster w/Expansion - Brotherwise Games Boss Monster 2: The Next Level - Brotherwise Games Automobile: Wheels to Wealth [...]

By |2015-09-10T00:50:40-04:00September 10, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on

Happy 125th Birthday H. P. Lovecraft!

Happy 125th Birthday H. P. Lovecraft! Howard Philips Lovecraft was born 125 years ago today in Providence, Rhode Island. The grandson of the magnificently named Whipple Van Buren Philips, the stars were evidently in the right conjunction on his birth for Lovecraft to conjure tales of cosmic menace, forbidden knowledge, and of the mythos we all so enjoy. So get the shoggoth to make a cake, ask Nyarlahotep to send the invitations, and have Azathoth provide the entertainment - it's H. P. Lovecraft's birthday! The New Chaosium! At GenCon, Chaosium company founder Greg Stafford and long-time creative force Sandy Petersen announced that Moon Design Publications - the team responsible for the revival of Glorantha through the award-winning Guide to Glorantha and - have taken over the management of Chaosium. The new Chaosium team is: Rick Meints - President, Head of Production Jeff Richard - Vice President, Creative Director and Licensing Michael O'Brien - Vice President, Product Development and Community Outreach Neil Robinson - Chief Financial [...]

By |2015-08-26T11:57:10-04:00August 26, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy 125th Birthday H. P. Lovecraft!

And we’re out of the gate!

Sponsor support is beginning to roll in to provide prize support, Play-To-Win titles and Mosh Pit donations. Brotherwise Games Bully Pulpit Games Chaosium Dreamscape Design Heroes' Beacon Lame Mage Production Prince of Darkness Games Red Raven Games Rio Grande Games Rite Publishing Sand and Steam Productions Ye Olde Gaming Companye

By |2015-06-19T12:22:53-04:00June 19, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on And we’re out of the gate!

Revised Rulebook PDF Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition

Revised Rulebook PDF Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition A new revised version of the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook PDF has been updated to the website. If you have already downloaded the PDF previously, then all you need to do is log in and go to Your Account and look in your completed purchases – find the Rulebook PDF and re-download and you’ll get the new version. If you haven't yet purchased your copy, you can find it here: Please note – only the PDF version has been revised (the other epub versions have not been revised). Enjoy! Chaosium

By |2015-06-12T13:54:27-04:00June 12, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Revised Rulebook PDF Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition

The Stars Are Right… For a blow-out sale!

The Stars Are Right... For a blow-out sale! We’re here to sell games, and chew bubblegum. And we’re all out of bubblegum. Over the years, our warehouse has become stuffed full of more Cthulhuy goodness than the Martense Mansion. We’re bursting at the seams and need to make room for the new things coming in! We’ve decided to blow the doors off Cthulhu’s tomb, and close out all the “Non-Standard” items in our warehouse. So now’s your chance to get deep discounts on Monographs, Fantasy Flight Games’ Cthulhu games, non-English language editions of our games, CDs, Magazines, The Laundry RPG, miniatures and much more! Thus, we have 50% off the Following: All BRP and Call of Cthulhu Monographs! Novelties & Accessories! All licensed Call of Cthulhu products, including Fantasy Flight Games boardgames and miniatures, Cubicle 7 books, Golden Goblin, Arc Dreams, and more! All non-English language books! Nephilim! (These books will not be reprinted or reordered once they’re gone!) Also, we have 75% off all [...]

By |2015-06-11T18:33:28-04:00June 11, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Stars Are Right… For a blow-out sale!


GREG STAFFORD & SANDY PETERSEN RETURN TO CHAOSIUM INC. While we wanted the Kickstarter backers to hear this directly from us first, we also wanted all of you, the faithful, to get this information as soon as possible. Here is what we sent out. More very soon. We have pressed the reset button. In 1975 Chaosium started out as a quirky boutique game company. We were all about creativity, artistry and craftsmanship. With every game we vowed to provide you with new realms of imagination and entertainment. Over the last few years we forgot that, and lost our way. The Great Old Ones have Returned… Greg Stafford, founder of Chaosium and creative force during its heyday, is now President. Sandy Petersen, world renowned game designer who brought Cthulhu into the light three decades ago, has rejoined the team as well. Greg says: "Chaosium is part of my legacy. My intent is to restore it to its rightful place in the world of gaming. Something we [...]

By |2015-06-04T19:12:25-04:00June 4, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on GREG STAFFORD & SANDY PETERSEN RETURN TO CHAOSIUM INC.

Impossible Realities 14: Silicon-Based Lifeforms Welcome

This September Impossible Realities returns for another great weekend of gaming! Impossible Realities 14: Silicon-Based Lifeforms Welcome When: Sept 11-13, 2015 InterAction School of Performing Arts 228 Germain Street, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 2G4 Doors Open Friday Sept 11 at 6:00PM Admission is $20 for a weekend pass or $10 for a single day. Doors open Friday at 6PM with cleanup Sunday at 5PM. *** While Impossible Realities IS a family oriented event, please be responsible for your young children, as we can't watch them for you. We do want them to follow in your footsteps to become the next generation of gamers, but please find a sitter for very mobile children so that you, and your fellow gamers, can enjoy their gaming experience without distraction.*** It is time once again to get ready for a full weekend of gaming! Games will include everything from board games, roleplaying, miniatures and cards, Live Action and of course the Fight For Infinity is invited. We are [...]

By |2015-05-25T18:16:31-04:00May 25, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Impossible Realities 14: Silicon-Based Lifeforms Welcome
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