March to Oblivion, March 12, 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 9:00am - 11:00PM at Interaction Theatre, Saint John, NB A full Day of Gaming for $10 Parking lot accessible from Queen Square or on Street The time has come again for another great day of gaming with Impossible Realities! There will be games running from 9:00AM until 11:00PM on Saturday, March 12, 2016! To reserve a spot for your game contact the Impossible Realities Facebook page, Steve Henderson or Dana Betts. February 29th will be the last day we will be updating the official schedule, after this you can post your own sign up sheet on the day of the event. Vendors (confirmed) Steeped Tea with Alicia - Amber Leighton Sue's Crochet Crafts - Sue Henneberry Dragonspire Clayworks - Amber Mason and Tina Voutour Nikki-Lee Dyckow Hippie Comfort Crochet - Jessica Terri Jean Lapointe Knot So Nerdy Designs - Julie Ralston Henderson Nerdities - Amanda Evans* Play to Win: Boss Monster with expansion - Brotherwise Games Boss Monster 2 - [...]