Just in time for Halloween, here are some of the latest releases from Chaosium!
CANIS MYSTERIUM A Scenario With Bite Constable Clark, of Coldwater Falls, was desperate for attention. He’d been in touch with every sanatorium and hospital from New York to Boston and there’s not an empty bed to be found since the stock market crash last year. They’re full to brimming with suicidal businessmen and investors. He’s holding a man in his jail exhibiting some rather... extraordinary behaviors. The delusion is complete and total — he walks on all fours and he won’t speak a word. They say he even eats out of a bowl and refuses utensils! Not a shred of human behavior left in him. The man attacked a young girl before he was discovered. He was found... well.. gnawing on part of her leg! Canis Mysterium is an adventure scenario for the Call of Cthulhu™ roleplaying system designed to be played in one or more gaming sessions. This scenario is suitable as an introduction to a new campaign or can easily be worked into [...]